zoas never want to fully open as a colony


New member
I have a problem with certain zoas in my aquarium. My palys do good all the time but almost all the zoas in my tank stay closed. No pox or spiders or fish bothering them. I don't know what is going on..all my other corals are happy all the time other than zoas
As aways, please list all water parameters and what is your maintenance schedule. Also, how long are they closed and all other infos about your system.

You need to help your helpers here.

I have a crappy api test kit and calcium is 450 ph8.1 alk 10 ammonia 0 nitrate 0 and phos 0 to .25. maitance is weekly 5 gallon waterchanges and 2 times a week cleaning foam pads in filter section of tank and replacing poly floss 2 a week. replace carbon bag every two weeks. um have an ato. closed almost all the time until about 20 min until lights out and that's barley open.. have a 120 w led fixture over a 2 foot tank running at 30white and 32 blue for 12hours a day... have a protein skimmer that pulls a cup of dark skimate ever 3 days...1 cube of frozen food every other day flake and pellet food every morning and night and 1 whole silverside a week split between green bubble tip anemone and green open brain
Bring down your photoperiod to 8 hours a day. Wait for like 2 to 4 days from now and let us know how zoas are doing… You could also, if possible, reduce the LEDs to about 20% of what you've got them going now...

off subject but, I noticed your sig says "can't polish a turd". Mythbusters polished some turds ;p and measured how shiny they were lol. So a turd CAN be polished :)