Zoas not doing too great


New member
I got 3 zoa frags from a local seller. I was gone for a few days for work and my tank had crashed. Over run by algae, high amonia and all my levels low. I have done two water changes since Saturday to get my levels back to normal. I didn't want to increase the levels too much too fast. I am leaving again on Thursday - Monday and now I'm scared the tank will be gone.

My Zoas didn't look great before I left. I believe I am going into rescue911 mode at this point to save them. Any suggestions / advice would be greatly appreciated. I'll post some before pics and now after pics. The tank is a bit cloudy from adding the second powerhead and moving rock around to get to the zoas.

To tackle the algae I got a lawnmower blenny who has really eaten every piece of hair algae. Now its turned to diatom. The algae is now under control, I did a bath in 20% peroxide and 90% tank water for about a minute. There's definitely a reduction in algae on the discs. I have added an additional powerhead to help move the water around and it will also bring down the temp. I believe the static water was heating up from the LED lights.

Tank is a 60gal hex with 40lbs live rock, friendly fish and an anemone. The lights are the chinese LED full spectrum you see on EBAY about 6 inch from the water line.
Temp 80-82
My amonia was .25 to .50 which is now 0
Mag 1600
Alk 11.2
Calcium 400
PH 8
Phosate 0

What it looked like when I got it

Tonight after bath


Last week
The tank isn't ready for the zoas.
Looks way too young.

Why did it crash?

People think zoas can just be in a very new tank, but the reality is different.

You'll need to wait if you want them to get better.
Just keep doing your water changes as maintenance and avoid bombarding the tank with those strong LEDs.
If LEDs are 120W @100% now, please turn them to 40%max. I would start like that.
Keep your params stable.
It could take a while to get the zoas looking very nice.
Don't give up and don't add anything else to the tank for now.

You need to automatize your system!!
I would get a ReefKeeper with the ATO and dosing pumps for Alk, Mg, Ca, if you keep traveling so often.

Thanks for the input.

A quick update - After the peroxide bath the algae is about 90% gone from the frag disc. Tonight I tested my params and everything is back to normal, even the temp is lower. Seems the better water circulation is helping. I reduced the light to 40%, the tank is about 4 months old.

Tonight the yellow and greens were visible with the blue lights on. I haven't seen the colors in quite a bit. Hopefully they will start looking great in the next few weeks.

As far as the tank crash, my gf topped off with straight RO/DI water and not enough salt. On top of that she didn't run the bucket with a powerhead so it wasn't mixed / aerated. I'm leaving tonight as its just near perfect, and won't be back until Monday. Hopefully when I test Monday night I'll be able to provide an update.

My Mag was the only thing that was a bit high, alk was a little low while calc was perfect.
Goog to hear that! :thumbsup:

You need auto dosing if you want to keep your good job and still have the tank running nicely and smooth.
Make sure Ca, all and Mg are aways in check.
Alk @ 9, Ca @ 420ppm, Mg @ 1350.
That way you'll have piece of mind at work and no problems related to that when you come back.
Again, I would consider a ReefKeeper to help and some dosing pumps for the chemicals.
Temperature is another important thing. Keep it stable.

Your tank shouldn't have done that being gone for only 3 days, did something die causing that? Also I noticed your mag is 1600, holy crap thats way to high! Lol. I agree u should get a reefkeeper, I have one and love it. Don't have to worry about temp, salinity or my lights. Best purchase I've made in this hobby.
I am looking to get a doser. Next purchase will be a bigger sump with macro and dosing system.

Ty for the advice. Always best to learn from those who have made the mistakes so I can learn from them.
so a quick update, zoas seem to be growing. Since I have reduced the light they are growing a trunk it seems. The parameters have stabled out. While I was gone for the weekend it seemed to have balanced out which is good. There is definitely some more color in two zoas. The 3rd isn't opening all the way. On my RODI water I did a TDS test and saw the ppm was around 20. I ordered new filters and DI crystals and its now back down to 0ppm, which I think was responsible for the algae bloom.