zoas not doing well

dude josh

New member
this is a pic of my zoas i had a diatom problem not serious...in the pic i think you can see some on them they seem to like to cover them.... about a month now they have been looking like this....i tried moving them a couple times over the month any idea's??? like i said before i had a diatom problem my alk and ph were low i got them both fixed...i have CF lighting is that not good enough for them? this my first zoa so i'm not use to keeping them any help i'd be thankful for

i believe that you might not have enough light for them but they should still be opening up. get your ph higher and your alk too. if not give them a couple of days and they should start opening up.
CFs should be fine for zoas (depending on how much lighting for the size of your tank). Have you noticed any pests on them? You might want to try a peroxide dip on them, but then leave them alone in the tank. If you're moving them around a lot, they might not be getting enough time to acclimate to the location.
i have the jbj 28gal cf quad i noticed bristleworms last night and one of my snails gliding over them and sucking on them lol....other then that nothing...i did switch salt from instant ocean reef crystals to red sea coral pro because my LFS told me it buffers the water better ...don't know if that's true but we shall see...what should i feed the colony and how often as well?
i just tried the peroxide dip and instantly about 12 bristleworms came flying out from inside the zoas so hopefully they come back in the next couple days i'll keep you posted...would they be harming the zoas?
Are you using RO water? I have found that if it's a wild colony, they don't like tap water all that well.
A few suggestions:

- Perform a dip (lugols, bayer, revive, etc)
- while doing so, lightly brush the diatoms off
- double check your temps
I moved them up hopefully a couple days ill see how they are doing and ill go get lugol dip and try that this weekend.... Hopefully they come back
sure ya the peroxide dip did nothing they look like they did before.....i am only using the stock return pumps with the jbj nano cube do i need more water flow over all in the whole tank?
sure ya the peroxide dip did nothing they look like they did before.....i am only using the stock return pumps with the jbj nano cube do i need more water flow over all in the whole tank?

I don't have any recommendations for flow since I don't have any experience with any all-in-one cubes. If you have access to a nano pump (ex: hydor), it may help.

Did you try *just* a peroxide dip? I wonder if you should try other dips.
Just that nothing else I was thinking of fresh water ro/Di dip? Mixed reviews on that though I need to go get lugols but I wanted to wait a week thought maybe to much stress two different dips within a week
just FYI, i have revive, lugol's, coral RX, and bayer. i have only used bayer so far. i always dip it in the medicated solution (8-10minutes), then into fresh ro/di to flush the rest off.

i would also wait and see right now. my usual observation is two weeks before i notice any die off.
ok i'm going to pick one up friday. i'm assuming since you have only used bayer that you've had good results?

i'll let ya know...like i said right now they're not looking to good but i hope they bounce back...
I'm only mentioning what I've used, and it isn't much; just only experience with bayer.

Don't take my word for it. I still needed to brush off algae and other things prior to redipping it in rodi water to rinse it off. But the amount of gunk and little crawly things that came off was pretty amazing.

But for what it's worth. My research here on reefcentral has led me to believe Lugol's, CoralRX, and bayer are worthy of trying.
sorry for not upadting recently but family got hit up with the flu laid everyone up the zoas seem to be doing a lot better i turned the lights off for a couple days seems to have killed the diatoms...hopefully it stays that way been doing weekly water changes..i should be getting a pic up in a couple days everything is still crazy...thanks for all the advice it all has helped me so much and hopefully the zoas will show their love to ;]