zoas/palys FS


New member
I need to pull my rock out and acid wash it because I cannot get it to stop leaching phosphates, so the tank is going to have re cycle and I don't want to burden anyone with holding these until I'm ready to add the coral so I'm just going to sell them. I'm not looking to part anything out, just want to sell it all in one shot, and I promise I'm not making a single dime on these, this is exactly what I have in it. Asking $135 for all of it.

4 polyp frag (2 full polyps, 2 smaller polyps) Oompa loompas (Paid $40 this frag)
3 polyp frag Rastas (Paid $20 for this)
5-6 polyp frag of fire and ice (Paid $10 for this)
3-5 polyp frag of punk rockers (Paid $15)
then 5 random zoa and paly frags from various stores (Paid between $5-$15 per frag)
3 head frogspawn (not going to add to the price since it was free)
2" x 1" short tentacle green plate coral. (Paid $15 for this from Creative)

I'm sorry about the pics, I took these a few days again without the intention using these pics to sell them. Can get better pics tomorrow.

Couple of the random frags and the plate coral

The other random zoas, light had just come on, but I can take better pics tomorrow.
