Zoo's don't spread?


New member
I have been investing more into my zoo population, but I have seen little to no growth in my new frags. All basic levels are great (salinity, CA, PH, NO3) but I see very little change in my ZOOs. SPS are doing great and growing. Any tips for a new zoo fan?
my best guess will be SPS are doing good because of clean water, on the other hand, zoa may want a bit dirty water. may be try feed your fishes more, so that they poo more.
If you have the time and are devoted, I have seen alot of Zoa fanatics/ farmers take the same approach that many non photosynthetic coral keepers use, take them out of the display. place them in a bucket of aquarium water(old W/C water) place a 10" strip light over them for 30min to open them up. Thaw out food ( rotifers and cyclops is best size )
introduce juices from thawing into bucket to get a strong feeding reaction, then spot feed corals, this way the zoas are power-fed, but the system water is kept clean.
Wow, I have heard that zoas prefer a little "dirt", but thought that they should be doing fine. I think that I will try to spot feed them more and see if I can get more of a feeding response. I hate to dose anything and probably don't have the time to bucket and feed them ;) Thanks! Still open to suggestions!
You didn't mention two of the most important #s in my book... temp and alkalinity.

Also, you say your numbers are fine, but what are they exactly? What were they last week? Some people will provide alk/calc measurements AFTER they have adjusted them... we need your average daily numbers.

If my alk drops below 8, my zoa growth pretty much stops.

Do you have any algae growth? Cyano, etc? If there's algae growth on the colony or frag rock, that will also stop growth.

Are your polyps open or closed? Are they stretched out tall or short and stubby?

What type are they and is slow growth 0 new polyps per month, or 10 polyps per month?

Pictures are worth a thousand words also....
Zoas will growth only when you place them in the right spot. Some of them light more light, some want less light or even in shade area. They are very sensitive about water flow also. Just find the best spot for them and leave them alone, try not to move them around too much and the moment they are establish in your tank they will growth alot of babies.
Johnny, params have been steady over the past 2yrs.
but, my temp does swing quite a bit 72-78ish.
Maybe I will try to bring up my alk. a little and see if that helps. As I said before they are happy little guys, but they don't grow very much? Thanks for the input I will get some pics of them up! Thanks!
Temp could be an issue here, I think Zoa don't like temp swing that much. You don't use heatter to control temp?