Zoos infected ??? pls help!


New member
i bought a rock with 2 diff zoo colonies on it... the one colony opned up soo after being placed in the tank and have looked really nice.. but the colony right next to it opened up once and closed and has been closed for weeks since we got it..

thought maybe something was bothering it but didnt understand why the others were not closing... my husband said they were probably fine because they didnt seem to die away.,

anyway i started getting really concerned.. so yesterday i had him move the rock into my 24 nano ... the "good" zoos on the rock opened right away but the others still did not...
so this morning i was able to get a better look at the colony since it is right next to the glass in the nano...

what i saw what that the closed zoos have what looks like pertruding "bellies"... half way down the closed zoo it pertrudes like it is full of liquid or something.. and half of them look like they exploded from that same area ...

2 days ago while i was looking at the tank i saw what looked like blue/green liquid in the water that dissipated.. i could not think what it could have been until i saw what was going on with these zoos... i saw this green/blue liquid right above the zoos maybe a few inches from them.. just didnt put the 2 together.

is this a infection or what ... i have no idea... i have a bunch of ther zoos in the tank and have never had a problem like this... and like i said there are other zoos on the same rock and they are fine.. its just this cluster.
Zoanthids have very different temperaments. I have lots of rocks with mixed zoas on them. When I am pulling some of the polyps off the rock and have it out of the water for a couple of minutes some of them stay open the whole time. Some open up after being in the water for 4-5 minutes and others won't open up for days.

It is possible that the liquid is a defensive reaction of shooting toxins into the water or it could be some sort of stress release that some corals like leathers do.

Really hard to say with out seeing. There are some websites and forums dedicated to zoanthids. Take a look around and let us know what you find out.

Oh, and a picture is worth a thousand words. Good luck.

yeah i thought maybe they were stressed but the fact that they are exploding from the side looks suspicious. my digital camera was accidently dropped by a curious 2yr old ... but i will try to use my video camera and post it but i dont get off work until after 8 tonight.. i tried looking it up online.. the only thing i saw that was close was a picture of some "bloated" which looks similar but no description of what it could be.
also where it is "bloated" on my zoos it looks like it is full of some dark liquid, could this be photosynthetic food that they store.... im not too familiar with that aspect of zoas so im not sure it that is right. ill keep researching online .
Are there white spots on the stalks of the zoas? There is a pretty notorious zoa disease that starts with white dots on the zoa stalks.
yeah... ive seen that on the forums... it is def not that... its not white spots its a bulging in the stalk like it is full of liquid and the "head" of the zoa is closed tightly.
actually just got home... barely poked it and it released a bunch of white liquid and the zoos just broke off.. i freaked out and took the rock out to the trash. it was moved to my nano and i didnt want it to kill everything kinda upset there were some nice ones that seemed fine but oh well.. there goes 50 bucks. but hopefull whatever it released .. probably toxins dont kill everything in my tank... i dont have any water to do a water change tonight.. darn darn darn

anyone have any suggestions what this white stuff could have been and what i should do to prevent everything else dying.... there are some zoas that broke off and are in the nano that i cant get too.... should i leave them or what.