Zoos with 4x65 PC Lighting?

Mike 1911A1

New member
I have a coralife 4x65 PC (2 actinic, 2 10K). I would like to add some zoas and need to know where to place them in the tank? High or low?



I had the same light setup over a 55g and had very little luck getting any color out of my zoas. My suggestion to you would be to place your zoas low at the start and move them up with time. After a while you will find that your zoas will be within 3 inches of the surface and wanting more. You may actually get great color with zoas up close.
Before my upgrade, I ran 4 x 65 as well. I placed zoos all over the tank, bottom, middle and top. With lots of current my zoos grew like grass. I recall one large pink paly that reduced almost overnight it seemed.

Mucho, what upgrade are you talking about? Are you running metal halides now?
I have seen your tank of the month using PC lighting (or was it VHO?). I'm running 2 65 watt and one 55 watt over my 29 gallon and I can't get the colours in my zoos that I see in tanks lit with metal halide. 15k and 20k metal halide bulbs just make colours pop so much more than PCs can (IMO and in my experience).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6828729#post6828729 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smp
15k and 20k metal halide bulbs just make colours pop so much more than PCs can (IMO and in my experience).
Not just a lighting illusion either. It seem that the zoos get brighter and more varied pigments under 14/15/20k halides.

One interesting thing... it looks like zoas grown under 14k and then moved to 20k look brighter than zoas kept under 20k for then entire time. Has anybody else seen this happen?
I just would like to say ,I've got zoos one color put them under power compact lights, 300-400 watts, Then took the same frag put under metal halides in same tank and they got brighter, I think if you want the best out of your zoos Bright lights!!! I've growed them under 20k lights, they will make it and grow. But i still got a long row to ho, Just a Young buck. I lisen alot, and try new things. I also like T5 lights in small tank
Later BUMP This is a good one??? I got some safecrackers . I bought ok. They are real Under metal halides, Then when my purple tang chose to pick at them, i put them under T5's There pink now, So somebody tell me, i've seen them red. Turn orange. Saw them purple turn pink, Saw them yellow turn green. I think this is a great ??? Can anybody help us with this one, This is a million Dollar thing to ask.
I have these same lights. In my tank my pinks, oranges & light colors look better closer to the lights where as my darker zoanthids like purple & blue look better lower in the tank.
I have 8x65watts on a 100 gallon (60x18x20). I place the zoas all over. I do have some deep water blue zoas that I place down low. Other than that, the majority are on the upper half with mushrooms down low.

I am thinking of doing a tank upgrade and going to halides.