If you saw a 'phantom authorization' on your credit card over the last 24 hours, rest assured that it was a benign occurrence and that no actual charges have been made or are pending. Please read our explanation below:
With all of the recent credit card security issues we have been seeing on the news, we have decided to move our credit card system into a high security Tokenization system. Although it's a more expensive system, we want our customers to have the highest available credit card protection. With this new system, the credit cards are not viewable by our own company other than a small token of the card number. The rest of the card is in small tokenized pieces on a completely different server with extra safeguards.
For any new customers, you won't even know we made this change. For any existing customers, we had to move our credit card system from one server to the other. Any credit card that was used at Premium Aquatics' store or website before was processed as a zero dollar authorization, so it could be tokenized and sent to the new server and deleted off of ours. If you see a zero dollar charge on your credit card it's just from transferring the card over, you will not see any actual charge on your card and your card is completely secure.
While we had excellent security prior to this change, the new system allows for even greater security standards - putting PremiumAquatics.com on par with the largest of online e-commerce sites all over the world.
We thank our customers for your loyalty, and for your understanding in this matter. We only want to provide the best service and security that current technology allows. Thanks again for your patience through this upgrade process, and for being a Premium Aquatics customer!
If you have any questions about this security change, or about anything else at all, please do not hesitate to let us know.
With all of the recent credit card security issues we have been seeing on the news, we have decided to move our credit card system into a high security Tokenization system. Although it's a more expensive system, we want our customers to have the highest available credit card protection. With this new system, the credit cards are not viewable by our own company other than a small token of the card number. The rest of the card is in small tokenized pieces on a completely different server with extra safeguards.
For any new customers, you won't even know we made this change. For any existing customers, we had to move our credit card system from one server to the other. Any credit card that was used at Premium Aquatics' store or website before was processed as a zero dollar authorization, so it could be tokenized and sent to the new server and deleted off of ours. If you see a zero dollar charge on your credit card it's just from transferring the card over, you will not see any actual charge on your card and your card is completely secure.
While we had excellent security prior to this change, the new system allows for even greater security standards - putting PremiumAquatics.com on par with the largest of online e-commerce sites all over the world.
We thank our customers for your loyalty, and for your understanding in this matter. We only want to provide the best service and security that current technology allows. Thanks again for your patience through this upgrade process, and for being a Premium Aquatics customer!
If you have any questions about this security change, or about anything else at all, please do not hesitate to let us know.