1-10v dimming question


Premium Member

I am interested in using the 1-10v dimming from the Profilux to control my own LEDs.

Unfortunately, the LED-Control1 will not work for me (Sadly) as all my LED strings need 24v to operate at full capacity.

If I can get access to the 1-10v signal, I can do what I want. But I do not know which wires to use. There should be a signal and GND, right?

The EVG-AP-2f doesn't seem to help, it is built around the mains power (which i don't need).

There used to be a LFB-AP, but I cannot find this anymore. What did it do exactly?

Can anybody tell me which wire is signal and which is GND in the phone-line that is used for the 1-10v interfaces?

Thanks!!! That will be a big help :)

Unfortunately I think I need an expansion card so I might have to place an order anways :)
One last question to clarify:

I need a 0-5v signal for my buckpucks, but they are inverted behavior. 0v = 100% brightness, 5v = 0%.

Profilux does 1-10v, but you can specify the voltages. I know I can set the max to be 5v no problem.....

but I wonder if the low voltage goes lower than 1v???? Since supplying 1v will limit the output of my buckpucks to be 560ma (instead of the full 700).

Would I be better off making an opamp circuit or something?
Ok I just watched a few 5min dimming cycles with my voltage set to 0-6v (the min), and using output from 0 - 85% I was able to get fairly smooth dimming from 0.08 - 4.96v, as observed with my multimeter.

The ramping from 0.08 up to ~2.4v is very smooth, but once it hits ~2.4 it drops all the way down to 1.3 again and works its way back up, dropping again around the 3-3.5v range, and then smoothly ramping to 4.96v.

Just testing so far but looks very promising, especially the fact that precision seems fairly high in the 3.4-5v range, which is basically 0-30% on the Buckpucks, the place you'd most likely see uneven dimming.

The dropouts in the 2-3v range probably won't even be noticeable with a longer dimming period (likely 2 hours will be used), but I wonder if those dropouts are to be expected???