$1.60-1.75 # Base Rock


Active member
I just Spoke to Capt Jer at


He told me he is willing to do a group buy for us for $1.60-1.75 pound Including delivery if we get together 1000 pounds. So even at 1.75 your talking real cheap. Also he was going to give us mostly premium and Collector edition at that price. Tell me what you guys think
thats an awesome price, but like mike said, its a REALLY good idea to quarentine this rock for a few weeks. You will get alot of good things on the rock, with the bad. crabs, mantis shrimp etc.

I dont need too much, but id be in for 30 lbs.
well if we are ordering really soon im still down for my 20bs... i can paypal money to whoever... and ill leave it in the rubbermade with my few pieces of dry Fiji that i started curing today...
so who do i send $$ to and where are we shipping it? just hopefully nowhere too far north b/c im way down south... Hollywood sounds good to me... nyvp, can you take a shipment like that?
Whomever is taking and making the orders. I would advise taking deposits right now so this does not get out of hand.
ya thats fine. We just want to make sure that we have enough for the group buy. I will put it on my CC you can come by with cash or paypal it what ever you want. If you paypal you need to pay the extra. If thats ok with everyone then its ok with me.
I am not interested in the order, but I just wanted to clarify this for others. If you look at the website I get the impression the rock he will be sending is dry (dead) rock.
im still okay with that because im curing some dry fiji right now... how long does dry rock take to populate with bacteria? i dont care how pretty it is with coraline i can get that from the 10lbs of liverock ill be adding form my 5 gallon tank later... i just want to know how long it generally takes for the bacteria to build up...
yea.. im not talking about coraline.. just bacteria... so that it is usable in a tank... my bioload is VERY low (2 small clowns, shrimp, and corals i dont feed.... with the obligatory cleanup crew of course) and the only thing i would like to realy add with this upgrade is a coral beauty and a skunk cleaner... the rest is corals
so we are at 180# so far not including me. We gonna need some more if we are going to make the min. Anyone else?