1 return pump or 2?


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Premium Member
Hello all. My name is Matt and I am in the infancy of setting up a 180g mixed reef. I have only had 30g and smaller tanks in the past. I am sure i will have plenty of questions as the tank progresses (if the search function fails me).

Today's question: My 180 has two over flows and returns, should i use 2 return pumps or 1?

I was thinking of 2 Eheim 1260's or 1262's.

Pro: A back up in case one pump fails.

Cons: A extra pump is added heat and utility cost.

What do ya'll think?
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I just run a Mag 12, and that runs my return and 2 phosban reactors. But since your tank has two overflows.... Id either get 2 pumps, or you could just get a really strong pump. But make sure to get good powerheads no matter what... Maybe a tunze or two
A sump needs low turnover about 5x and hour. I would go with 1 pump and split them to the two overflow returns. You will need additional water movement in your tank. This can be done by adding a closed loop or adding power heads. What type of corals and fish are you looking to keep and how many sides will be viewable?
Thanks for the replies.

I will have some power heads in the tank. My question was about the over flow return pumps. I am not relying on them for my main flow in the tank. The power heads will handle that.
I had an Iwaki 70 on my 180 split into 2 returns. Could run wide open with no restriction. But thats only if you can go external. Otherwise you might consider 2 separate pumps if you cant find a drop in that is pressure rated.
I could go external. I was thinking of doing a Calfo Manifold closed loop as my return to minimize equipment in the tank.
I really like the idea of return pump redundancy in case one dies. I woull have tried to do this as well in hind sight.