#1 way to remove bad hair algea


New member
So ive been having a terrible hair algea problem for weeks now. Everything was covered and it was hurting my coral. Today i did a almost 90% waterchange on my 5g fluval evo and removed the algea. How you may ask? I present to you...

The toothbrush:

I literally removed every little piece of rock and frag rack and scrubed the sh*t out of it for hours. It completely removed all algea. So if you have a problem with hair algea just get a toothbrush and scrub the **** out of it. But, when you remove the live rocks to scrub, try not to pay attantion to the rock it self and move fast because the more you look at the rock, the more little nasty creatures youll see. Here are some before and after pics



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Without solving the underlying nutrition problem, it will just grow back. Best way to remove HA is to starve or outcompete it.
I've been in your shoes and I know how you feel.
A refugium is the best way to go. I have a small one setup on my 180 gallon tank and I have zero nuisance algae issues.
I mean that phytoplankton wend dosed on a regular basis will out compete the gha for nutrient, making none available for the nuisance algae

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But dont the phytoplankton add phosphates and nitrates to the tank and mess with corals?

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But dont the phytoplankton add phosphates and nitrates to the tank and mess with corals?

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Hard to explain but I have been dosing 2ml every hour 24 hours a day for 7 months. On a reactor that I invited that keeps the phytoplankton on a continuous culture, after 8 months dosing I never had gha issues, cyano and dinos never happened it actually brings the no3 down, I have 10 large fish on a 300l and only 5 no3. My po4 is 1.9 do but it's hard to explain this bit as there is a few different po4.


That's just now my 13 month tank 8 months on the continuous phytoplankton reactor

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There is a thread on another forum showing the development of the process, my corals actually been growing a bit above average wich is good and given crazy colours

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But dont the phytoplankton add phosphates and nitrates to the tank and mess with corals?

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It can increase nutrients. It can also feed coral. It won't reduce algae. I grew and dosed multiple phytos for a while. It was fun and an added food source but didn't see much visible benefit.
Hard to explain but I have been dosing 2ml every hour 24 hours a day for 7 months. On a reactor that I invited that keeps the phytoplankton on a continuous culture, after 8 months dosing I never had gha issues, cyano and dinos never happened it actually brings the no3 down, I have 10 large fish on a 300l and only 5 no3. My po4 is 1.9 do but it's hard to explain this bit as there is a few different po4.


That's just now my 13 month tank 8 months on the continuous phytoplankton reactor

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If i just buy reef nutrition phyto feast and put a little in daily, will that help my tank?

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If i just buy reef nutrition phyto feast and put a little in daily, will that help my tank?

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It can increase nutrients. It can also feed coral. It won't reduce algae. I grew and dosed multiple phytos for a while. It was fun and an added food source but didn't see much visible benefit.

This method only works on automated system, the doses need to be religious a few times a day to work, there is a mate of mine that uses a phytoplankton that comes in a carton to use with a doser connection that dnt spoil. He started dosing on a few months after me and we both noticed the same effects on the tank.

Increased microlife
Socks need to be changed less regular
Protein skimmer stop getting scum (it took me 3 months to fill a 150ml cup)
Less glass cleaning
Less growth in the fuge

High po4 readings

This is only a 8 month experience but it actually will be able in future to replace the protein skimmer and carbon dosing

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