10 questions on morphs


Just had a few questions that i figured everyone might be able to clear up for me.

1)what is a morph
2)how does it happen
3) To change the color of a zoanthid dont you need to have different zooxanthallae?
4) If so where do these new zooxanthallae come from
5)Are new morphs new species or is it a thing like for example a different breed of dog
6) Do morphs happen in a tank or only in the wild
7)Can you cause a zoa to morph
8)Can different zoanthids sexually bread (release sperm and egg into the water) to create a new zoa
9) Do zoas do the above in a captive tank?
10)do they morph the same way as the mighty morphing power rangers

Feel free to add your own questions

Thank you for any and all answers
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1)what is a morph - A polyp that started as one color and ended up as another (or it's baby did).
2)how does it happen - Many reasons... Flow, lighting, PH, Alk, UV etc.
3) To change the color of a zoanthid dont you need to have different zooxanthallae? NO
4) If so where do these new zooxanthallae come from -Doesn't
5)Are new morphs new species or is it a thing like for example a different breed of dog - NOT like a dog. More like getting a nice tan... You can morph and then morph back. Environmental factor usually, not genetic.
6) Do morphs happen in a tank or only in the wild - Both
7)Can you cause a zoa to morph -YES
8)Can different zoanthids sexually bread (release sperm and egg into the water) to create a new zoa YES, but not likely in a tank
9) Do zoas do the above in a captive tank? Not usually
10)do they morph the same way as the mighty morphing power rangers? Without a doubt YES.. but slightly more like thunder cats meets Barney
The color of a zoa is determined by its zooxanthallae right.zooxanthallae have different pigments right? Does a shift in parameters then cause a difference in zooxanthallae concentrations and or the pigments within them?
When it concerns zoa/palys-

1)what is a morph- a color variation of a type of polyp

2)how does it happen- many ways. Different lighting, temp, flow and water parameters.

3) To change the color of a zoanthid dont you need to have different zooxanthallae? Not to sure...I need to brush up on this subject....

4) If so where do these new zooxanthallae come from- dont know yet.

5)Are new morphs new species or is it a thing like for example a different breed of dog- I would say its the same breed of dog, just different color variations of eye, skin, and hair color.

6) Do morphs happen in a tank or only in the wild- I am sure they happen in the wild, as well as a tank.

7)Can you cause a zoa to morph- absolutly!

8)Can different zoanthids sexually bread (release sperm and egg into the water) to create a new zoa- Very good question...probly desearves its own thread!

9) Do zoas do the above in a captive tank? No clue!

10)do they morph the same way as the mighty morphing power rangers- I wish they did! That would be pretty cool, and we would always know they morphed!!

Great topic- following along!!
Man I guess this forum is all about colors and who has the rarest thing and how much they will sell it for. Reminds me of pokemon cards lol. Come on I want to know the answers. I'm a marine sciences student at the university of connecticut. I want to know
the zoas were doing really good. good color and all, but when i switched my tank from a 55g to my new 65g rimless they got lost along the way and i was not able to find them. still dont know what happened to them. :(