100g Acrylic Tank and Stand for sale


Less talk, more rock!
Hey RC!!

Time to take a break from reefing for a while. I don't have a lot of pics but here's all the info. I'd like to get rid of corals and live rock so it'll be easier to remove fish when it's time for them to go too.

I'm gonna list prices but please feel free to give me your best offer, just send me what you think is a fair offer. Please don't low ball

I live in Woodland Hills and would like this stuff gone asap

100g Rimless Acrylic Reef Tank & Stand
60" x 18" x 20" - $300

30g Custom Sump / Refugium
30" x 12" x 18" $100

10g Automatic Top Off
20" x 10" x 12" $10

* 80lbs dry special reef grade sand ($50 when tank is cleared)

* jebao rw 8 x2 - $40 each

Black Clown Mated Pair (2) $100
Flameback Angel $50
Sailfin Tang about 5" big $50
Tomini Tang $30
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (started out as female is now a male. Crazy?!) $75
Malanarus Wrasse (Male) $40
Watchman Goby w Pistol Shrimp $40
Flame Hawk Fish $40
Spotted Mandarin Fish (Female) $20

SPS. Not going to frag selling colonies
Pink Lemonade Acro $50 3"x3"
Various Birdsnest $10 each
Garf Bonsai Acro $100 5" X 3" fully incrusted rock + a dozen branches
Superman Monti $25
Jedi Mind Trick Undata $30
Red and Green Monti $20 each color

Various Acans from $20 - $100 depending on size. All Acans are on one rock. Will sell entire rock w 10 different companies for $500
Torch Coral $20
Hammer Coral $20
Frogspawn Coral $20
Blastos and mini Blastos $20
Orange / Yellow Sun Polyps $20
Rainbow Lobo $40
Miami Hurricane Chalice $20
Purple Chalice $20
Oregon Mummy Eye Chalice $20

Softies $20 ok avg
Various Zoas
Various Shrooms
Various Palys

Fire Shrimp $10
Coral Banded Shrimp $10
Nassarius Snails $1 each of what's left for all snails and crabs
Tiger Nassarius Snails
Trochus Snails
Turbo Snails
Red / Blue Legged Hermits
Sand Sifting Starfish
Dwarf Cerith Snails
Tonga Conch


I've had a few emails but nothing picked up as of yet. I have this Wednesday off and this weekend. I'd like to have things starting to get picked up either Wednesday or the weekend.
Hey guys. Sorry been super busy but will reply to all PMs by tomorrow to set up pick up times. Sorry for the delay but I will respond by tomorrow.

PMs answered. Would love to have most of this wrapped up by Sunday. After today, I'll have a list of what's left

Alright. Everything else in the tank is free. Come get it. Plenty of live rock (well not live now lol), live sand, cuc, fire shrimp, sailfin tang, Garf and more
I have a bunch more things for sale this weekend. More and updated info later when I get home. All princes are obo or trade

Items I want for trade; ecotech mp10, IM ghost skimmer

100g tank and stand $300 obo
Skimmer $150 (name and info later)
Wp25 power heads $20 each
30g custom sump / fuge $50
Two little fishes kalk reactor $50
Two little fishes reactor $50
