11 gallon rimless Zoa Garden build, Give me your Fav's


In Memoriam
Hey guys, Im trying to get a top 10 list going because Im starting to build a Zoa Garden. So far this i what I have for a wish list, already have a nice piece of God's Armor.

1. Gods Armor

2. Campfires

3. Darth Maul

4. Spidermans

5. Blue Agave

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?
Its your tank and funds bro.

Don't really get caught up in names. Whatever I like I'll throw in

Can't wait to see pics though.
Hello TheSaint216, nothing personal, but I would ask you these top 10 questions first.

1. You stated you are in the building process so this tank isn't up and running yet, correct?

2. Since this is a new system, are you going to add all of these new aquisitions to your tank at the same time?

3. Will this be bare bottom, shallow or a deep sand bed?

4. Will you have a clean up crew? If so, what will you choose? Will you be adding any fish, if so, which fish?

5. What type of lighting, type, watts, k value etc?

6. Will you be testing your parameters? If so how and when?

7. What will be your source of make up water?

8. What will be your source of internal water movement, if any?

9. What will be your form of nutrient export if any at all?

10. What is your reefing level of experience? Have you owned a larger system in the past of is this your first nano along with keeping zoas and palys for the first time?

I am not being mean or smart mouth and I know you didn't ask, but based upon your answers to these 10 questions, trying to decide on which 10 polyp types to add to your new tank should be at the very bottom of your list. I can personally share with you countless, I mean countless stories of total polyp failure and tank crashes.

My suggestion, dump the list completely. Don't buy anything expensive for the first 6 months as your tank is not stable, mature or ready in anyway to accomodate all that you are contemplating adding day one. Google new tank syndrome.

My sincere apologies if I have offended you, it wasn't my intention, but I'd much rather you be upset with me now, then frustrated with your tank later. Good luck my friend.

Mucho Reef

PS. Dump the named list period my friend, find something you like that's colorful and cheap. You'll spend more on your polyps then you will on your entire set up. Perfect your reefkeeping skills via good husbandry and your tank will reward you for years to come. :beer:
I like my Chong bongs!

To everyone knocking having a list of high end zoas and questioning his husbandry skills, what does that have to do with this thread? Asking for peoples favorites is a great way to get names of corals to look up so he can make his decision based on what he likes after seeing the pictures.
oh man... your taking all the fun out of reefkeeping... there are too many beautiful zoanthids and palys for me to even give you a top 10.. besides i love visiting all my lfs as well as the online vendors... so... im just going to say look at your plan, and put in whatever catches your eye rather than what catches my eye
Hey Mucho Reef I would leave post #10 in there. Your just sharing your knowledge with everybody. I didn't find it wrong at all!!! But Yes this thread is about sharing your favorite zoo and i love the way Pink Passion look. Also King Midas and Darth Mauls are really cool..