A 3-5" small colony. There really is not much light coming from a 70w MH especially with a 20k bulb. Many people grow out their acros to a point where they are within 6-8" of the water surface, sometimes only a couple of inches. If someone has a 100gal tank with an acro 5" from the surface and a 10gal tank with an acro 5" from the surface and you hang a 150w bulb above both, they are both getting the same light (assuming the bulbs are the same distance from the surface). I have been keeping 12" deep tanks for a few years now with acros and even with a 175 that has the par of many 250's, there are still some acros that cannot be kept on the bottom of the tank (water quality is excellent). I am not saying the acros will all die, it is just that the growth rate will be dismall and color will suffer over time, possibly leading to necrosis at the base as the coral grows out. Judge growth and health over years not just a few months. A 150 would cost basically the same as a 70w and will be much better suited for the coral the original poster is attempting to keep.