120" x 48" x 48" tank using 1" acrylic - will it bow?


New member
I'm looking at a used 1200 gallon acrylic tank which I can get for a good deal. It has been polished to the point of looking almost like brand new I'm told.

My main concern is that its made of 1" acrylic with 1" acrylic wedges melted into the seams for added strenght.

The bracing on the top is 2" thick, however.

Will 1" acrylic bow over time @ 48" tall?

Here's the only picture I have of the tank right now:

I saw this big tank on ebay. I would say yes it will deffinatly bow. My 450 was 36" tall and 1" was the minimum on the acylic. I would say 1 1/2" or 2" would be safe not 1" call Ten-e-cor (take out dashes) and atm of las vegas and give them the tank dimensions and act like your getting a quote for you one and see what size they would use. Good luck either way.
Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. I know chingchai's tank of the same dimensions is made out of 2" acrylic.
Ok, the actual tank dimensions are 119.5" x 47.5" x 44.75", so not quite 48" tall.

The tank was manufactured by an outfit on the west coast and was in operation for 2 years at a private residence in the Greenville SC area.

I got a couple of close-up pics of the corners:



I asked if it was cell cast, but the current owner wasn't sure. Is there a way to tell from the pics above?
Those seams are barely bonded, all those bubbles severely weaken the structure of the bonds (and signs of sloppy acrylic work), pair that with 1" material which is WAY under spec for a tank of this size and you have a disaster waiting to happen.

I would not trust that tank in any capacity as it sits. If you really want to use the tank, have a quality acrylic builder cut it in half horizontally and add a new top and bottom, you will have two tanks at half the height and much much less water pressure on the bonds.
Yeah, that does look like a lot of air bubbles. I'm guessing that's probably why those 1" "wedges" were added along all the corners.

I think I'll pass.

I think 1" is fine for a 48" tank, however, those seams don't look good.

Miracles has a standard size acrylic tank that is 60" tall and they use 1.25" acrylic so I imagine 1" would be good for a 4' tank?
You know, the irony is that I have had 2 instances of water damage to my house already. The first one cost the insurance company $70k and the 2nd one (different carrier) $30k. In both circumstances, the issue was caused by a water to air heat exchanger on the top level of my house leaking due to freezing causing the heat exchanger pump seal leaking due to extreme low temps, which resulted in about 3000 gallons of hot water being dumped in my house (hardwood floors, walls, etc all having to be replaced, 2nd incidence I was present, so damage not quite as extensive)

Needles to say, I switched to electrical heat for the upstairs zones after the 2nd incident.

Anyway, appreiate all the feedback, and I'm for sure going to pass on the tank offered above.

Chingchai, good point, given what I have already been through, I would hate to put my family thought a 3rd ordeal of a similar magnitude!
I wouldn't buy it even if the seams look perfect. My tank is 96x48x24 with 1" thick acrylic all around with 4" bracing on top and i still worry about bow. For tank that size, i wouldn't go any less than 1.5" - 2" on the thickness.
the tank i just bought from roman on here is 96 long 48" wide and 30" high . it is 3/4" thick but it is made from ten-ne-cor so it should be ok right ? i never really gave any thought into thickness of the sides . o well to late to turn back now i guess .
the tank i just bought from roman on here is 96 long 48" wide and 30" high . it is 3/4" thick but it is made from ten-ne-cor so it should be ok right ? i never really gave any thought into thickness of the sides . o well to late to turn back now i guess .

It will bow, but there shouldnt be any outright failures, I work on a 72x36x30 that is built from 3/4" and there is no discernible bowing at those dimension.
yes it will bow without a doubt, and if it built well it would be fine with that euro bracing. But those seams look scary as hell.

I would laugh at the current owner for buying that tank and walk away.
dude forget that tank. those seams are going to go i give it another 2 years fully stocked, and 1200 gallons of water on the floor. don't risk it.
ya pass on that it's ready to come apart....those pieces weren't added for extra support those pieces are the only support it got's...those seams are gonna pop soon!!!!i do acrylic for a living...i would pass even chopping it up aint worth doing since it will craze when you re glue joint's from the water the plastic has absorbed....a sheet of 1" material runs about 500$ so how good of a deal is it???