120G Garage Find


New member
I've had my 55 gal FOWLR running for about 10 months now, so I am still learning and trying to take things very slow and not over complicate this hobby. I have about 10 fish, 15 snails and a bubble tip anemone now but long term goal is mainly fish with some easy corals coming soon.

A few weekends ago, I found this aquarium in my friends garage he was given from a neighbor. He said make me an offer or I'm taking it to the LFS. We agreed on $200 and I think I made out real well... Its a 120 gallon with 3 pos lights under the canopy, a sump, skimmer and some plubming for the overflows. This will be set up in my pseudo man-cave right next to the washer/dryer and my RO/DI filter (water changes and top offs will be so much easier). The bottom plywood was sagging 3/4" so I replaced it, reinforced it and also added 2x4 supports across the front and elminiated the front center brace. Next up is painting the inside a water proof hi gloss white and restaining the outside.

For plumbing, the tank has 2x 1.75" holes in the bottom with stand pipes. I am ordering 2x 1" bulkhead fittings, but am looking for advice on designs. I can use the included stand pipes, make dursos, drill the back/bottom for more feeds and returns, etc? thoughts on this?

Sump is soon to come. I kind of want to buy a Aqueon and be done with it, but also might build my own from acrylic or a 20-30 gallon tank... Thoughts on this are encouraged.

Thank you,


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Nice find Brian. Be very careful on the removal of the front center brace. You are looking at supporting somewhere in the area of 1200 pounds+ with a 120 gallon reef tank. It's hard for me to see exactly how the supports are set up now for the tank, but I am worried it isn't enough to handle the weight. What you've done for the bottom (sump support) is good, but I think you are lacking for the tank supports.
Frigg'n awesome... That tank is really nice man. I share in the concern over the bracing, i filled my 25 this weekend and sump, ~35gallons total, man was that thing heavy.

If it were me i'd build a sump, it's fun, and you can get more creative with what you want it to do. Plus you have an acrylic contact for good cheap material...why not at least dabble with it.

I work with this clown, and i expect a full build thread when the time is right...Congrats on the tank, the 120's are such nice and wide tanks.

We should sink up our tanks, my 90 and your 120 so we can order bulk stuff like rock and sand...when are you planning on building this thing and getting it started?
going from a 55 to a 120 is going to be pure joy, just for the scaping. I have 150 lbs of lr in mine and no rocks even close to the glass. even my foxface can go in a cave in front and come out the back.
Jammy - I am game for going in on a rock purchase. Mine may be sitting for a bit before water is added. Let me know when your putting one in. What about that road trip to Rochester? I also just received (this morning at 10:30) my first live fish order from Vivid Aquariums. Everything arrived alive and in perfect shape.

No worries about strength guys... This entire build will be modeled in SolidWorks. I plan to do some strenght and defelection calculations. My idea here was to have clearance for my sump. I am also thinking about an assymetrical door set with one wider than the other.

Far left is my guess at the Aqueon from dimensions i've pulled from various websites. Next to that is my first shot at a build-your-own.

Thank you,


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RODI this weekend, purchase light and circ pump also...then it's game on for Rock, sand, salt and cycling...

Rochester is probably a month out for me, the stuff i mentioned is going to take some time, plus work is killing me right now.

We're going though...for sure
Thanks guys. Can't wait until this setup is cycled and stable. I keep hearing how the extra depth adds a different dimension to aqua-scaping and the feel of the tank.

The fiance is a HUGE Shark Week fan. So much so, that we have Shark Week parties. Anyways, i sold her on the new tank telling her we can almost fit a baby shark in the tank. Now, I wonder...

P.S. Kind of kidding about the shark, I have no desire for an aggressive fish tank.