120g needs a Back-End Overhaul (Sump/Skimmer)

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
I'm thinking about re-doing my Sump & Skimmer combo.

I currently have this (Remotely located) Eshoppes 29g Sump w/ built in Refugium and an Octopus TS-150 Skimmer, but my Bio-load is proving to large for this system and sustainability of many of my inverts hasn't been good in recent months, so I'm thinking its time I over-skim in a big way. (This set-up is from August 2008.)


The dimensions of this space are:
39" wide (Left to right, the "left" being the (actual) Back of the closet)
18" High in the back (I'll call it the "Left side"); 48" High on the "right side" (where that white 2x4 is standing to support the tanks.)
24" Front to Back of the Sump itself, not the Closet. I figure I can come out 24" to the front, without sacrificing too much floor space.

Here's where it's going: Just to the right of the blue salt bucket (which has been replaced with a Geo Kalkwasser reactor) and behind the RODI tank, Salt Tank and the 1/3 HP Current Chiller down the right side of the Sump Closet.


I've got floor space, but headroom (near the back) is the only issue, really.

This is essentially the space that the sump is currently in, before I remodeled the closet to accommodate the sump that's currently in there right now.


What Type of Sump should I get and Why??? I'm ready to build a Custom Sump / Fuge, if necessary.

What Type of Skimmer should I get now for my 120, given the huge bio-load and (vertical) Space "limitations" I have?

(Thanks Coach. I'll hang-up now and wait for your answer.)

Time to kick-it up a notch! I had different priorities when I first set-up this rig. Now it's time to do what I couldn't do the first time.

Check out this link


I bought the next size down for my 105 cube. I'm planning on having a light-medium bio load. I actually don't have it up and running yet but I have seen these skimmers in action at other members houses in the reef club here. They are super quiet and skim really well. FWIW..... All the guys that are running these here used to run RO Extreme skimmers and say these are quieter and skim better.

This is if money is an issue. If you don't really have a budget go with this one. They are awesome!!!!
