120g SPS -a-Palooza

120g SPS -a-Palooza


Added 6 new dispar anthias last night all eating mysis now just need them to eat pellets like the rest of the anthias.
Man I'm loving how dense your fish stock is. Really elevates the tank to another level. You've personally actually changed my mind on fish stocking and have motivated me to really increase my fish load in my own tank (within reason of course). I had previously really been on the conservative stocking is best team but my mind is changed.

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Man I'm loving how dense your fish stock is. Really elevates the tank to another level. You've personally actually changed my mind on fish stocking and have motivated me to really increase my fish load in my own tank (within reason of course). I had previously really been on the conservative stocking is best team but my mind is changed.

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Think it's a good idea to have as many fish a possible as long you can keep nutrients under control and aggression to a minimum. All the fish give the tank a lot of movement that you don't get from the colored sticks.
Wow. You're having some really good growth.
Yep! You've got serious fish balls keeping those angels in there!
Love the dispars, beautiful fish.
Wow. You're having some really good growth.
Yep! You've got serious fish balls keeping those angels in there!
Love the dispars, beautiful fish.

That's Matt growth has really takin off the last month or so great to see the tank finally filling in.

If you think the Angels are ballsy wait till I get a pic of the new guy that just went in [emoji6]
Oh man,that's a nice addition to your already cool/risky/amazing fish gang:beer:
Eating by now?

Thanks hope he works out no aggression so far from him everyone else stays out of his way just the PBT checks him out every now and again.

Yup was being hand feed at the LFS even lets you pet him like a puppy. Only other fish I had to do that is my huma huma trigger.
I once bought a harlequin tusk when it was one inch long. Juvenile colors and somdamn cute. I grew it in my reef until it was about 3 inches and then it started eating my peppermints. I had to remove him. :(
He never bothered another fish in the tank..
He went to a buddy's 300 gallon and it is now 7 inches and doing great.
They really are beautiful fish.
Yours looks a bit thin.. I hope you can fatten him up.
I once bought a harlequin tusk when it was one inch long. Juvenile colors and somdamn cute. I grew it in my reef until it was about 3 inches and then it started eating my peppermints. I had to remove him. :(
He never bothered another fish in the tank..
He went to a buddy's 300 gallon and it is now 7 inches and doing great.
They really are beautiful fish.
Yours looks a bit thin.. I hope you can fatten him up.

Have been wanting a Tusk forever have been trying to find a juvenile for awhile. This is the first one I found locally that was eating he's about 4" now and eating everything I throw in the tank should be obese like the rest of me fish soon.
Got a hold of the clubs par meter and found some interesting results.

Main display lighting 8x54w ATI dimmable both channels at 100% hung 7" from the surface. All Giesemann bulbs about 3 months old.

Actinic blue
Actinic blue
Super actinic
Aqua blue azure
Super purple
Actinic blue
Aqua blue azure
Actinic blue

Just below the surface 475-500
At the sand bed 90-150
All the Acros are getting 200-300

Overall very even par which is expected with t5 but thought par would have been a bit higher on the Acros. On the other hand my rock work is a bit low most the corals are mounted 12" or more from the surface

Also took readings on the frag tank. Have 2 of the 165w black box LEDs
Lights are hung 10" off the water. Blue channel at 100" white/red/green channel at 30% par ranges from 50-200.