125gal stocking


New member
I am going to be setting up a 125gal and was wondering if these fish would be a good choice for it.

Snowflake eel
Harlequin Tuskfish
Blueface Angel
Bluechin Trigger
Miniatus Grouper or Porqupine puffer?

the angel should be taken out by my opinion cuz its to peaceful and the trigger will bother it ........and personally i think ushould go with some sort of grouper like the miniatus or a panther grouper but i would put the grouper in last cuz it tends to eat everything so yea
I have heard that the blueface trigger is one of the nicest triggers. I thought that the angel would probably be the most aggressive fish in the tank. Do you think that the grouper would be a better choice than the puffer?
the stock list looks fine. LOL blueface angel will rule your tank. Most large angels are agressive and will rule your tank.
I think your list looks good, I would just worry about the grouper or the puffer outgrowing the tank. Compatability wise you are fine.
you have great taste in fish, but most of them are going to out grow your tank, i would stay clear of porcupine puffers, just because they get ungodly huge, instead i would do a smooth puffer, and i would do a puffer over a grouper any day, but that is just me... addicted to puffers.

is your 200g table tank one of those cool coffee table tanks?
hows the filtration on that thing?
Actually, the table tank is not set up yet. Still in my garage. Soon it will be though. It isnt a actual table it is just the same shape. Dim. (96"L X 48"W X 12"H) I will be putting a couple of rays in it. Maybe a small shark. But not sure.