150 Gal Setup 36x36 cont'd (in the works...)


New member
In the works ...

:fish1: next up ... work on the extreior of the house begins ( shed , return pump, chiller, and the sump)... this one might be a while before i can post any pics on the progress - couple of weeks or so ... waiting on :reading:

1. the shed : 88"L x 33"D x 30"H (back ordered)...:headwally:

2. the sump: 3/8" Acrylic Custom Built 140 gal (if filled to the top) 63 x 27 x 20. Overkill for my tank but I can use in a larger tank if needed in the future... * and can also save my water in case it attempts to flood lol

3. the return pump: I have two options... Reeflo BH 1462 (new mag pump) or the Panworld 100pxx which are both on the way. I got a good deal on the pan world so i can have one of them serve as an emergency backup. These pumps will not serve as my main water flow throughout the tank. They are only for water circulation purposes so i didnt go crazy on the amount of water they push.

4. the chiller : 1/3 hp Prime chiller

.... more to come soon ... cheers!