150 gallon FOWLR NEED HELP


New member
ok this is my planned set up

-150 gallon
-30 gallon sump
-2 Aqua Clear 110's
-80 lbs of live rock
-2 aqua clear 70 powerheads
-normal flourescent lights 2 x 40watt
-CC substrate

My main questions revolve around filtration. Ok I know the 80lbs of live rock will do most of the work, but will it do enough???? My two AC 110's will be packed with biomax to make more room for bacteria to grow, to improve my bio filter.

1.) I was planning the following for my sump. Have the water go through a sponge first to clear the water of debris. Then through bio balls or pot scrubbies(is one better then the other????) then into the main holding tank where it will be pumped back up. People keep telling me to remove the bio balls because its not needed although if bio balls are not needed then why am I spending money on a sump??? why do sooooo many members make sumps then????

2.) Can a 30 gallon fuge really make my tanks nitrates drop that much??? I can do that in the same tank as my sump. I would have the water go through the sponge and bio balls. Then in the main holding area put a deep sand bed and buy lots of greens from my LPS. Then just put a little divider so protect my pump from pumping sand into the tank. Would this really make that big a difference???? or would I need like the same size tank as the main tank full of greens to even make a dent in nitrates???

3.) any comments on my set up would be great
If your going to have a sump with bioballs why do want to have two hob filters? You dont need them and your tank will look better without them in it. In my opinion a small fuge will help with nitrates, I would add a fuge if you can even if it is small. All else seems fine good luck and have fun.
Ya i understand that I don't need it although I have been told I need like 20x turnover of flow. So I figured the Aqua Clear each give me 500gph so two of them is 1000gph. The sump pump will only give me like 600gph with the head. Plus I have two powerheads which will give me 800gph combined. Thats 2400gph on a 150gallon tank...... which is only 16x. Is this enough or is the 20x another crazy reefer rule???
The crazy reefer turnover numbers your discussing are for REEF TANKS, and the refer to total flow, you do not have to take the water out of the tank and bring it back in to get it. I would suggest you go for 10 X turnover through your sump and start with the bio balls to cycle with and then when your live rock really settles in it will handle all of the biological filtration for you. However, you should consider a skimmer and that is probably the main reason why you need the sump. It will clean the water and also airate it for you, which is key in a well stocked FOWLR. The refuge or DSB will help keep the Nitrates from rising too fast, but no matter what, you will be doing alot of water changes, 25% a month minimum to keep the Nitrates at an acceptable level for the fish, < 30-40 ppm.

My 2 cents.
IMO the HOB filters should be used for flow and to hold chemical media like chemipure, purigen, phosban, etc.

Bioballs need to be properly maintained (rinsed in water taken from tank during water changes to clear trapped debris) or they can become Nitrate factories. Many people use their sumps to hold their protein skimmer (I strongly recommend that you purchase one) and as a place to have additional rock and sand for more biological filtration. It also adds "extra" water to your system and can be a place to put creatures that you want to keep, but can't have in the main display.

Refugiums are always of benefit. A mix of Chaetomorph and calurpas will work well. Just prune them as needed.

20X turnover is a bit more than necessary for a FOWLR. 10x will be sufficient provided you position outflows so there are no dead-spots (areas of no water movement).
I have 12x turnover on my 150 gal, and personally I think I need much more, with 150# of rock (mostly up against the back of the glass) eliminating dead spots is hard. When the budget allows I think I'm getting a couple of the resun pumps for sale on ebay.
ok I understand what you guys are saying but having the Aqua Clears filled with biomax can't hurt right??? like it will only help so if i'm gonna run them I might aswell make them do something???? I am going to be purchasing a skimmer very soon. Probably right when I set the tank up.

Thanks guys
The biomax in the Aquaclear will act as detritus trap. Unless you rinse it off regularly it could end up being a nitrate factory and do more harm than good.
I think you should at least have a HOT Remora Pro or comparable skimmer - AT LEAST, in addition to anything else you mention. I am a big believer in skimmers and refugia for maintaining water quality. If you put 4-6 good sized fish in the tank, you are going to have to have a way to process that bioload. Skimmers take the nasties out of the water before they can become ammonia/nitrite/nitrate. A refugium can export nutrients (primarily nitrate) that come out at the back end of the nitrogen cycle.