150 Mh


New member
Hey so I am still designing a 20 Long tank. I hope to be able to keep SPS in it when it is complete and ready. It will have a 5.5 gallon sump and a 2.5 gallon fuge.

I am really stuck on the lighting. I know I need MH. I have a setup now that would include:

150 Watt IceCap electronic MH ballast: http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idproduct=IC3121

150 Watt REtro:
(I will see if i can not get the ARO ballast with the retro)

150 WAtt 14K Pheonix bulb

65 WAtt COmpact Fluorescent atinics

is there anything else I need or that won't work or that i could improve on?
How deep is the tank? I had 150DEs on a 75g and had problems getting the more difficult and rarer stuff to color up right....things like green digis.....no problem......

I upgraded to 250DE and its literaly like night and day. Always buy the brightest light you can afford, you can always pull it up higher.
if you're going 14 k ... i would do 250w,,,

i have a 20l frag tank with sand and rocks and have a 250w de over it and don't think it's too much light ... The bulb is a AC 14k bulb.

Now if i swapped out the bulb and dropped in a 6500 ...then it would be too much ...
Yep, forgot about that one the bulb options are a little lacking in 150DE and when you go up from the 10K, your PAR is "sub par" for what we need......150's will work, but 250's will make it a WHOLE bunch easier.....I upgraded my lights 3 times before I figured that one out.
so for the ballast a 250 electronic ice cap from marine depot $115

250 watt 14K pheonix bulb

now i have a question:

on hellolights you can buy a 250 watt pendant http://www.hellolights.com/25pfomipe.html for around $95 dollars or a reflector http://www.hellolights.com/25hqidenmhre.html for around $30

it appears that the only difference is a hard plastic covering around the reflector and a cord. Because i am planning to put my fixture inside a canopy and it wouldn't need to look great would i need the hard plastic shell? $65 dollars for some unnecessary plastic and a cord seems rediculous.
go the 30 dollar reflector route !!! that looks like a great deal!

It's simple to wire the thing up and it's not worth the extra money if your going to place it in the canopy.
Are there any advantages to single ended bulbs over double ended bulbs? Or are they the same? Or are there any advantages to double ended bulbs over single ended bulbs?