150 XH Build

Well after a lot of testing I was satisfied enough to move to the contents of my 26 gallon into the 150 this evening. I also decided that the Xenia would not be making the migration as it has literally taken over the 26 gallon in less than a year. Here is a pic of the tank with most of the rock from the 26. This is not my final aquascape ( more on that later ).

Lights On!!

Lights On!!

Today was a good day. My EXT rail finally arrived and I was able to mod the acrylic light mount to hold the EXT rail and my two Hydra52s. I have since transferred all of my coral and fish to the 150 and purchased a few more softies. The only thing I have not done is hook up my director. Parameters are stable so far. I have done two twenty gallon water changes in the past week and my Nitrates have fell to .5. As I have been in the hobby for over 12 years I know I am going to have a pretty big algae bloom by adding these lights and not having a fuge for excess phosphate so I plan on tackling that issue this week with the addition of another reactor. Auto top off was also installed today but my pump for the ATO did not work as planned (Old Maxijet ) so I guess i'll be making a trip to the LFS tomorrow to solve that issue. Here are some pictures of today's events.

I just ordered the 52. Do you like them so far? I feel like I cheated on my girlfriend (went from Radion Pro's). I hope I made the right decision.

I have always been a fan of AI products. Their customer service is also outstanding. I had an issue with one of my Sols and within a week they had it fixed and sent back to me at no charge. Be careful with the 52's during acclimation. I put one of my 52's on my 60 cube while I was building my 150 and within a week it bleached out one of my montiporas. It was my fault as I did not utilize the acclimation program on the controller but start with a low number like 20% and work your way up. I would take some before and after shots as well. i love to see the difference.

Thank you very much!! The good news for me is this is an empty tank (minus live rock). Just setup an IM30. I also purchased the Director too. I think that is all I need to control the colors and such. I will still start at the 20% BC I will start to add
Corals soon.

So I have a killer radion setup, do they offer the option to use somebody color setup and import it in?

Thanks again, and I forgot to mention I really like your setup and I apologize if I took away from your post. I'm just happy to find someone posting up a pic of their setup with the 52.

Thank you very much!! The good news for me is this is an empty tank (minus live rock). Just setup an IM30. I also purchased the Director too. I think that is all I need to control the colors and such. I will still start at the 20% BC I will start to add
Corals soon.

So I have a killer radion setup, do they offer the option to use somebody color setup and import it in?

Thanks again, and I forgot to mention I really like your setup and I apologize if I took away from your post. I'm just happy to find someone posting up a pic of their setup with the 52.

No problem at all! I have not heard of being able to import color profiles of timer setups but that would be a great addition. Feel free to ask anything.
No problem at all! I have not heard of being able to import color profiles of timer setups but that would be a great addition. Feel free to ask anything.



Thanks again for the info. She arrived today :D. I can't wait to play with it.

Dragging this one back from the dead -- how have you liked this tank now that it's about a year old. I'm giving serious consideration to buying a 150XH from a LFS and setting it up almost exactly as you have here. (I have AI Hydras which might get upgraded to hydra 52s.)

This would replace my standard 90.

I have enjoyed this tank so far. The depth takes a little getting use to as it is very difficult to place corals by hand. Being that it is only 4ft limits the fish selection a bit but I have found that a lot of medium to small fish really make the open space pop. The Hydra 52s are outstanding lights and give you a lot of options. I use the director to control both my 150 and 60 and it works flawlessly since the firmware upgrade. I am now looking at adding a refugium and increasing my ATO tank size as I burn off 10 gallons in 5 days. Please post a pic of your upgrade if you decide to get the 150

Happy Reefing
Thanks Jack,

I'm really close to pulling the trigger on it and have final quotes back.

One quick question -- how many Hydra 52s are you running on it?

I'm running two. I am only keeping Softies and LPS wih a few monti caps. I'm running the lights at around 50%.



So it has been about a year since my last update on the tank. As usual the past year has seen some ups and downs in regards to the tank's inhabitants. About six months in I pulled the trigger on 5 Anthias, 1 Spotted Madarine, and a Kole Tang. I already had a Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang,3 blue reef chromis, 2 Clowns, and a Magnificent Foxface. When I added the fish I decided that it would be wise to do a large water change (30 Gallons). I prepared the water and did the change right before midnight. The next morning every fish in the tank was either dying or on its way. The tangs in particular were covered in ich and the rest of the fish were breathing heavy on the bottom of the tank. I went to my LFS and sought advice on what could have happen. The fish I had bought had all been quarantined for 45 days and the other fish I did not buy were doing just fine. I purchased some reef safe ich treatment (Polyp Lab Medic) and hoped for the best. After three days I was left with 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Magnificent Foxface, and 1 Tri-color Anthias. I went to every LFS in my area and picked the brains of the people I have know for years to try to figure out where I went wrong. After speaking with my friends at a LFS in Sarasota, I found out that they had just had a major fish loss due to Chloramine. Sarasota county had just raised the amount of Chloramine in the city water to over 4ppm. This made it through their filtration system and into their display tanks. I explained my episode and it seemed to match what had happen to them. This was very frustrating to me because I had just replaced my filters in my RODI and had checked the TDS before making the water. Apparently without Catalytic Carbon the Chloramine is able to get through the DI. This is what I believe poisoned my fish. Thankfully none of my corals were affected. After the installation of a new RODI complete with catalytic carbon and a 90 gallon storage tank, I was able to save the three remaining fish. I also treat the water with Brightwell Aqautics Erase-CL as a precautionary measure before adding the water to my tank. My advise to everyone would be to call their local water supply and ask what level of Chloramine is added to the water supply. Keep in mind that your proximity to the water treatment facility will also have an impact on your concentration level.

So after dealing with the loss, I have once again started adding fish. Here is my fish list as of today:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Tri-color Anthias
3 Lyretail Anthias
1 Sunrise Dottyback
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 Carpenter Wrasse
1 Morse Code Maroon Clown
and my pride and joy........ 1 Lightning Maroon Clownfish

I currently have the following in quarantine:
5 green chromis
1 small Convict tang
1 Christmas Wrasse

I have also added several corals to the tank and installed a 25 watt UV sterilizer. Pics will be added very soon.
