150W 10kXDE - Enough Light?


New member
What do you think for a 24" tall tank?

Option 1: Two Giesemann Nova IIs with 150W XDE 10ks supplemented by four Super Actinic URI T5's.

Option 2: Two SLS Lumenmax 3s with 250W XDE 10ks supplemented by four Super Actinic URI T5's.

It seems like the general consensus is "bigger is better" but I've seen some beautiful tanks with 150/175w halides. What say you?
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Replace the 10K XM DE's with Pheonix 14K and swap out one actinic for a Actinc White and it will look perfect.

The 10K XM DE is much too yellow.
SunnyX, thanks for the advice. I like the crisp white/blue look of your tank. My main concern is good SPS growth and a balanced look (I'm over the deep blue!) while keeping the energy consumption down. Has anyone had good luck with good growth rate using 150W DE's?