155 Barebottom Bowfront, 400 gal system volume


New member
I have been poking around the site for years, and owe nearly everything I know on the subject to the fellow members... Thank you for your inspiration and ideas that made this and other installs possible. Now I humbly present 4 years of pictures.

A little history, and then pictures! (aka the part you prob scroll past) These tanks were originally my second saltwater system. After a year of being limited to a 55 gallon with an external overflow box I convinced (tricked) my parents to incorporating a saltwater tank into their new custom home. I would split some costs, do the work, and maintain it... they got to enjoy it and pay the power bill :lol2:

And then a 155 bowfront and 125gal sump turned up and the offer couldnt be refused... Yeah, an in-wall bowfront! Beings this was a planned tank room, the wall was framed with double 2x6 and posts before sheetrock to support the tank... the extended part of the bowfront was a bit tricky.

(pic from tank removal)





Behind the scenes, 1" manifold, dual 2" drains, PM Bullet 3, 3x175w halides




Having a background in most aspects of construction, including electrical and plumbing really helped my understanding of how things work... getting to see it in reality is completely different most times. Ideas that seem great on paper, dont always incorperate into good DIY projects. The modified sprinkler head rotating returns worked great for about 8 months, until saltwater took its toll on internal parts... back to the drawing board!
Eventually figured some things out, and made some changes.

40 gal fuge

Required skimate shot



I learned lots of things the hard way with this system, always fighting sand, water quality issues, etc etc... and always (like many of you) had an "ideal" setup in mind, things i would do different if i was at square one...

And then a sad day... 2 years had come and gone, it was time to sell the house and build another one. The new owners opted for a bar instead of a fish tank so everything was torn down and removed. After many months of trying to sell, I received a phone call and someone was interested...


Myself (left) and a good friend, who was kind enough to come drink till wee hours of the morning and pack the entire system out.

Final pic of the display

Now for the kickass part...
The gentleman that was interested in the tank had history in freshwater, and was wanting to make the jump. He proposed I design and setup the system... and how can you say no to that?

Now it was time to put that dream onto paper, and make it a working system.

Tank moved and delivered

Stand built, sump, skimmer and RO/DI

My favorite part!

The tank had some fine scratches from sand, so the entire front panel was buffed out


Blacked out the PVC



Starting to look like a fish tank now!


When I mentioned I had ideas from before, one was a bare bottom display with a ridiculous amount of flow to keep detritus from settling. The lower 125 gall is a DSB refuge area that is slow flow. The drain from the display drains almost directly into the skimmer intake, and the lower tank drains to near the return pump. I will discuss all of the equipment at the end... lots to cover still!

Crystal clear


the 400w halide was a temporary light

Skimmer still works!


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And then there was a tragic ICH outbreak that wiped out most of the fish... The system sat on the side burner for about 4 or 5 months with no fish or hosts, and nothing really changed for some time. The owner (who might chime in if he feels like it) jumped the gun on moving a pair of Naso tangs from QT too soon. Learn from the mistake and move on!









Marineland 155 gal Bowfront display
125 gal DSB/low flow refuge
150 gal Rubbermaid stock tank sump

Reeflow Dart/Snapper return pump,
Penductors (eductors, flow boosters whatever you want to call em)

Precision Marine Bullit 3 Skimmer with Panworld 250PS pump (changing to a dart hybrid) and large waste collector.

Ultrazone 360mg Ozone generator

Precision Marine CaRX and effluent chamber (not online yet)

2 Vortech MP40W (would like to add a MP60 and move one to the rear panel)

Digital Aquatics RKE with about every module, runs everything from lights to ozone. Need to configure the Email notifications, and setup a webcam

6 AquaIllumination SOL blue modules, 4 up, 2 down

QT setup is 2 29 gal tanks, 40brdr sump and a SWC mini-S cone

I should be driving up to replace the skimmer pump and do some work soon, And will update when I get more pics. I will also make a fish and coral list as things are today. Now that things are back on track, I cant wait to watch this system mature.

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask... Sure i am forgetting something! Also have lots of old pictures if you want to see more!

Thanks again!
that is awesome, hope i can have a setp like that

Thank you, So do I... I just get the privilege of throwing out crazy ideas, and then putting them in motion.

Great story and glad to see you were able to help the new owner!

Thanks! Always enjoy setting up tanks and designing things... After my in wall, 2 family friends had me setup tanks in their house or office and each time was a learning experience. Nothing is concrete, or for sure in this hobby and each tank or system has its own set of challenges.

When I finally get back to a tank of my own, should have a solid plan based on those other tanks and the other spectacular tanks in this section.The barebottom high flow has worked out absolutely great, and aside from bi-weekly water changes the tank has been extremely stable and required little upkeep. It is just now getting to the point of possibly needing dosing or the calcium reactor.

Also wasnt sure if this thread should be here... it can be moved if by "180 gallons volume" they are referring to one display, and not total volume.