175w 10K MH on a 20g


New member
Will a 175w 10K MH be enough light on a 20g tall to keep and grow SPS? The light I got is a pendent that hangs from the ceiling so how far off of the water should I hang it? I know I'm not going to get amazing growth out of it, but will I notice a difference from my VHO's?
You will definitely notice a difference, and it will certainly be enough to grow SPS; I'm normally a VHO fan, but they're better for long tanks than for high ones. I would hang the pendant at least a foot above the tank to start out; maybe a little higher. Keep an eye on your temperature and coral health, then make adjustments as necessary.
Since you want be use a canopy? And the tank will be open top; you can probably do 6 to 8 inches from the water surface. And if the temp jumps just place a fan so that it blows across the water surface and between the light. I have a 55 gallon with 2 175's in a canopy and their about 8 inches from the water surface; not heating problems. I do have to small computers fans inside the canopy but thats it no chiller.