Can't find 60"VHO Actinics anymore... LED recommendations

Hey Griss... thanks for the tip on Aquatic Technologies... called them today and they had the 60" VHO Actinic O3's in stock. I placed an order and will see what shows up. The shipping is the killer $80 plus box charge... but this dinosaur hopefully lives for a couple more years :sneaky:

Hey my MH are 250W (single end vertical mount pendant) I did find them on Amazon from Neptunes Aquariums so I ordered one for the dead one. Probably will never find them again though. :(

Hey Griss... thanks for the tip on Aquatic Technologies... called them today and they had the 60" VHO Actinic O3's in stock. I placed an order and will see what shows up. The shipping is the killer $80 plus box charge... but this dinosaur hopefully lives for a couple more years :sneaky:

Hey my MH are 250W (single end vertical mount pendant) I did find them on Amazon from Neptunes Aquariums so I ordered one for the dead one. Probably will never find them again though. :(

Glad that worked out for you on the VHO.

On MH, my understanding is, These are pretty much the same as Ushio.
Obviously AqTech wasn't that interested in my biz... after a week with no response from them I called and got a less than urgent response... so I cancelled the order! You would think they wanted to get rid of the dino bulbs! Guess I'll wait for the Quanta Lights Meso Blue LED fixtures to arrive back in stock. Luca said they would be here soon. Fingers crossed
Obviously AqTech wasn't that interested in my biz... after a week with no response from them I called and got a less than urgent response... so I cancelled the order! You would think they wanted to get rid of the dino bulbs! Guess I'll wait for the Quanta Lights Meso Blue LED fixtures to arrive back in stock. Luca said they would be here soon. Fingers crossed
Wow, sorry to hear that. I've never personally ordered from them but, they've been around since the 1990s. Until now, I'd never heard anything negative about them.