180 Build (planning stages)


New member
Hello all,
First post here :wavehand:

First off I'd like to thank all of you for posting all of the info to contradict every decision I've made about this tank.:lol2: No, really I've learned more about this hobby from you guys here in the past two weeks then I've have in the 15 years doing it.:thumbsup:

The wife gave me the go ahead to build my dream tank. It's going to be a 180gal cad lights star fire peninsula/room divider. I've been lurking for a few weeks reading a lot of posts. Pretty much from the time I get off work till bed time(shes not to happy about that) :hmm2:
But anyways here's the parts list so far. any and all input would be appreciated.

Cad Lights Starfire 180 72"x24"x24"
Cad Lights TIA-1350 2nd Generation Conic skimmer
Cad Lights Conic Bio-Reactor
Gonna build my own sump refugium or maybe have cad lights build me one
Reeflo snapper hybrid return. Maybe overkill????
1 ecotech mp40(For now)
The lighting is up in the air right now. I have some what of a budget to stay within.
At first I was thinking 3 AI Sol-Blues(to start) but Cad lights is right next door to my work so I decided to stop by there today and they showed me there new LED light system. http://www.cadlights.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=42&products_id=220. I've done searches but cant find but a few reviews. One of my main concerns is that the main multi chip LED is not dimmable.any thoughts???

So..... this is where I'm at so far. I will be ordering the tank within the next couple weeks but before I do I'm trying to do the most research I can.

Thanks, Joe
Wow next door huh,

Welcome to reefcentral.

180g peninsula is a great size. Congrats on your build and good luck on your dream setup

So far , so good, what do u plan to keep in it sps, lps soviets, mixed
Well I finally started!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance:
The tank is on order, should be done in a week or so. I wanted to get a jump on the stand because I knew I'd have extra work coming in and sure enough I got a call today, so needless to say this will probably be it for the next few weeks. So anyways here's the stand. We are having the kitchen redone and the cabinet guy is gonna build the doors for me. He's also gonna build a louvered door for the end.


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Here's a few more, You shoulda seen my 12 yr old son and I try to get this thing in the house:lmao:


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