Ben’s back at it 20G long

Ok, small update here.

I managed to score a display and reset to factory settings and now I can get into the thing.

The problem is, that it seems only two outlets from both the eb8 and the apex jr function for some reason.

The screenshots below show both my computer interface with the system tree and then another with the mobile fusion app. For simplicity sake I have renamed all outlets I1-4 for the jr, and 3_1-8 for the eb8. The two outlets that function are named ATO and POWERHEAD as a way to identify those as functional.

I also switched all the outlets to advanced with:
1 fallback off
2 set off

So now, when I flip the outlets on, I don’t hear the outlets physically flipping other than those two.

Anyone have any ideas as to what is happening here?

Figured it out. I had the jr and the eb8 both plugged into a dj switch. I plugged them directly to the wall and everything functions normally.


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Been a while since an update.

I have gotten everything up and running, apex is working as normal, tank is cycled and I have some sand and small rock coming from tbs to further seed the system.

Here are the details of the system so far:

Marineland 20L
Reefbreeders pendant
Ranco/apex temperature control
Kamier peristaltic pump with 5g reservoir for ato
Water reservoir apex control with empty container float
Overfill emergency floats for ATO
Old school jebao powerhead

organization wise I’ve been printing some stuff that can be seen in the pics. Brackets and organizers, etc.

Next up in the plan is to let the system sit for a while after putting the TBS sand and rock in there to see what hitch-hikers show up, then I’m going to try to get a good copepod population going and doing some zooplankton dosing.

I’m still torn on what to do livestock wise. I know this is going to be mostly a softy/lps system, but fish wise I’m torn between a single cool fish like a wart skin angler or something else or some peaceful colorful nano sized fish.

*drums fingers*
Gotta still think about that.

Enjoy the pics


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I r
Been a while since an update.

I have gotten everything up and running, apex is working as normal, tank is cycled and I have some sand and small rock coming from tbs to further seed the system.

Here are the details of the system so far:

Marineland 20L
Reefbreeders pendant
Ranco/apex temperature control
Kamier peristaltic pump with 5g reservoir for ato
Water reservoir apex control with empty container float
Overfill emergency floats for ATO
Old school jebao powerhead

organization wise I’ve been printing some stuff that can be seen in the pics. Brackets and organizers, etc.

Next up in the plan is to let the system sit for a while after putting the TBS sand and rock in there to see what hitch-hikers show up, then I’m going to try to get a good copepod population going and doing some zooplankton dosing.

I’m still torn on what to do livestock wise. I know this is going to be mostly a softy/lps system, but fish wise I’m torn between a single cool fish like a wart skin angler or something else or some peaceful colorful nano sized fish.

*drums fingers*
Gotta still think about that.

Enjoy the pics
I read thru your thread and it looks like a good start. I am excited for you. Kudos to you for using what you had. What caught my attention was you are going for simple this time.
My 56g tank is about as simple as a tank can get except it does have a 30g sump. The sump has no partitions, the drain comes in one end and the return pump is at the other end. I may take the sump offline and add a HOB filter to replace it someday but for now it houses a rehomed percula clown and a rogue pistol shrimp who began eating my nano fish. I use tap water, and have no skimmer, no socks or media(except occasional carbon). The tank relies on biological filtration from live rock, a deep sandbed and macroalgae to filter and reduce nutrients. It has glass lids instead of an ato to deal with evaporation. I keep softies/LPS. I used to do small weekly water changes that turned into small monthly water changes that now are about 2-3 small water changes a year. The tank is coming on its 9th year so maturity has been a good thing for it. All that to say I am a believer in the KISS method (keep it simple stupid).
Best of luck and I will be following.
I r

I read thru your thread and it looks like a good start. I am excited for you. Kudos to you for using what you had. What caught my attention was you are going for simple this time.
My 56g tank is about as simple as a tank can get except it does have a 30g sump. The sump has no partitions, the drain comes in one end and the return pump is at the other end. I may take the sump offline and add a HOB filter to replace it someday but for now it houses a rehomed percula clown and a rogue pistol shrimp who began eating my nano fish. I use tap water, and have no skimmer, no socks or media(except occasional carbon). The tank relies on biological filtration from live rock, a deep sandbed and macroalgae to filter and reduce nutrients. It has glass lids instead of an ato to deal with evaporation. I keep softies/LPS. I used to do small weekly water changes that turned into small monthly water changes that now are about 2-3 small water changes a year. The tank is coming on its 9th year so maturity has been a good thing for it. All that to say I am a believer in the KISS method (keep it simple stupid).
Best of luck and I will be following.View attachment 32409581
Thank you for reading! Beautiful tank you have there, love the aquascaping.

made up a simple little mount for the ehiem auto feeder today and printed it.


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Thank you for reading! Beautiful tank you have there, love the aquascaping.

made up a simple little mount for the ehiem auto feeder today and printed it.
How is it working? I marvel at the things folks can make with a 3D printer. I am not very techy so it's all I can do to use my old ink jet printer, LOL.

My husband and I just got home from a week's vacation and the ehiem auto feeder is a huge help for such occasions. My sister did come 2Xs to check on the tank and give the fish frozen food but all was well when we got home.

Have you decided on a/several fish yet?
How is it working? I marvel at the things folks can make with a 3D printer. I am not very techy so it's all I can do to use my old ink jet printer, LOL.

My husband and I just got home from a week's vacation and the ehiem auto feeder is a huge help for such occasions. My sister did come 2Xs to check on the tank and give the fish frozen food but all was well when we got home.

Have you decided on a/several fish yet?
Well, I cheated and got the Bambu lab printer, so it’s basically plug and play. There isn’t a lot of fiddling with the printer itself. The hardest part was learning the software side to make what you want to make that isn’t already made by someone else. Though you can get by with a lot of stuff by downloading someone else’s model and editing it for your needs. Brackets and things aren’t too difficult, I can’t make anything super complicated. But if you can measure, use a mouse and make simple shapes, then you can print stuff.

I decided to just go with peaceful fish and have started stocking.
So far I’ve got a Xenia frag in there, 4 rock flower nems, three firefish, a Pygmy angel, some hermits and snails. As far as fish go, I’m probably maxed out now since it’s such a small tank. I got a small shipment pending from TBS with some rock rubble and sand, and we will see what all comes from that.

After that I’ll probably just start slowly collecting frags. Man have prices gone up since I did this last!

I have a question for everyone though.
I also since the last update scored a dos and I set up AWC. Currently I’m changing 3ml every 10 minutes over the course of 23 hours. In my mind, without any data to back it up, I FEEL like this is not a good idea. I feel like doing 414mls a day over the course of an hour would be better, or even a larger volume at the end of the week. Say 3,000mls over the course of like 30 minutes? Has anyone done or read research on the difference?
Yes on prices. I remember back on the day, paying $40 for a softball sized Acro colony. Now, you’re lucky to find a 1” frag for that price.
I decided to just go with peaceful fish and have started stocking.
So far I’ve got a Xenia frag in there, 4 rock flower nems, three firefish, a Pygmy angel, some hermits and snails. As far as fish go, I’m probably maxed out now since it’s such a small tank. I got a small shipment pending from TBS with some rock rubble and sand, and we will see what all comes from that.

After that I’ll probably just start slowly collecting frags. Man have prices gone up since I did this last!
For me having one single cool fish would not be enough. Even when I had seahorses and most of my research told me that they do better in a specie specific tank, but I pushed it and put a few peaceful fish with them. The seahorses came down with bacterial infection so I learned then that an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. I had to drag out another tank and segregate them from the fish.
I love my nano fish and the interaction between them. I have a dwarf angelfish and a firefish. Maybe as the tank matures and you could get 1 more fish you might think of a bristletooth blenny. They have great personalities. I have a midas and a bicolor.
With the cost of coral there is something to be said about a nano tank!
Another small update.

I added a HOB filter and upgraded my old RW to a cross flow.

The filter I’m just using for some mechanical filtration with some filter floss and maybe give me the option to run a little carbon here and there without having to plumb a full on reactor. Eventually can turn it into a Refugium and tumble some cheat in it if I ever do get a reactor.

I also added some pods from algae barn and been dosing some phyto to get them going. So far they are really taking off!

Unfortunately, I found my Pygmy angel dead, which I was pretty bummed about, he seemed so healthy one day then gone the next. The firefish also didn’t make it, all 3. I’m left with just the diamond goby who is doing very well. All of my rock work is sitting on some 3d printed egg crate and sand placed around them so he won’t topple them over.

I’m done with fish at this point for a while, I’m not sure if I can handle another loss. It always feels like it’s my fault or something.

Stock list is as follows:

3 rock flower Nems (which of course have all set up shop where they aren’t easily visible except for one.) I had 4 but one wound up in the pump.

3 turbo snails
Dwarf hermits
A tiger conch
A mini maxi carpet nem
Frag of Xenia which is growing quickly

Tommorrow I should be getting my shipment from tbs and will post an update after that. After I get all of that in, I’m going to leave it sit for a while and let it mature before adding anything else.

I do have some algae popping up, which I assume is just going through the ugly phase. It doesn’t scrape easily and doesn’t look like turf algae. I’ve had some coraline in the past that behaved similarly starting green and slowly turning purple/pink, but it’s nowhere else except the rock and the tank is pretty young, so the jury is still out.

I’m open to criticism/comments based on the pics and progress so far!

Have a great evening everyone!


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Every time I lose a fish I also feel like I should have prevented it but living pets, like everything else die. Not all fish are able to adapt to a new environment. I have found if I can get them past the first 2-3 weeks then I can enjoy them for a long time, (some even for decades)! Those first weeks can be rough though.