180. couple questions

s ruppa

New member
i am starting to plan my 180 build and i have a few questions. i am pretty sure i am going to go with a glass 180 from glass cages.com with to corner overflows. i would like to install a closed loop also.

1) those with a closed loop where did you place the holes. intake and return? any mistakes you made i should be aware of

2) for the intake to the pump can i just put a strainer over the bulkhead or does it need to be in an overflow?

3) do you need check valves on your returns?

thanks. i am sure i will have more questions as i go

steve r
on a 180 72-24-24 i would put 3 holes on the bottom 1 intake 2 returns. on the intake i usually raise it about 4" aboye the bottom and put a screen intake on it. no check valves needed maybe ball vaves on each rtn to control flow you dont want the pick up in the overflow not enough water for it plus if u turn off the main pump or it breaks you can still have flow in the tank by your closed loop system. As far as where they go thats based on your aquascape u want to hide them the best you can.
I have used check valves over the years and have never had a problem. The best thing to do is make sure that your sump can handle your back flow should the electric go out. Then you don't need checkvalves. As for where to put the holes depends on what you are trying to do. I have a 120 and I drilled 5 holes in the bottom. This way i can use a OM 4way. If you have a eurobrace you may want to have some of the holes drilled in that. You may want to drill holes in the back about 6 to 8 inches from the top for the in take. I would not put the intake in the overflow because you can get air bubbles and yes put a strainer over it. I would put a large strainer over it. This will decrease the chance of sucking in fish or anemones.
I would use check valves. I am runing a 180 bow with dual overflows i had a basic sump but what i found was that when the power was cut to the pump i would not only get the water in the overflows, i would also get water from the returns the siphon effect slowly filled my sump until the returns were out of the water. And yes i do have air brakes but they dont work. I would use the check valve. Just get a true union check valve so that you can replace it if you need to, i would also use 2 ball valves, one on each return to control the flow, and to also shut it off if you need to change the check valve. A few bucks during setup is definately worth it.
Why would you not put supply for a closed loop in the overflow? If you only have a stub at the bottom of the overflow, wouldn't that work?
your overflow only lets so much water in over the teeth you will not have enough water to run the pump and the filter pump. plus what if you turn your main pump off the your closed loop system will have no water to draw from.