180 Gal Oak tank/stand/canopy setup for sale



180 Gallon Tank w/ dual Durso overflows
Solid Oak canopy and stand


Lifereef LF1-150 Custom sump with 3 filter cylinders for Phospahte remover, carbon, etc.
2 Panworld pumps for circulation and for carbon/phosphate chambers.
All plumbing included.


72" MH/PC Light canopy fixture. 3 400 watt MH 20K bulbs (9 months old) and 1 PC bulb and dual ballast.

Also includes Giant Rose Anemone with 2 breeding and hosting clowns, Big Blue Maxima Clam, Larger Blonde Naso Tang with trailers, Achilles Tang, purple tang, midas blenny, blue neon goby, shrimp, etc.

All live rock, about 150-200 Lbs tonga kaelini. Rock has aiptasia, so you may want to cook it.

This is a setup that has grown coral very well. Some may remember the member of the month pictures:

All for $2500.

Great price for a great system. I could make more splitting it up, but I do not have time. That is why I am selling.

Chris, JC and others have seen the setup.

Please PM or email for contact.

New price $2000.

Also throwing in extra 30 gal 3/8" acrylic sump, and refractometer. Lots of other stuff, too.

Forgot to mention that the stand has 1" soundproofing insulation inside to make it quieter.
Solid Oak Stand and Canopy 75 1/4" tall in total. Stand is 42" tall, so you can fit a large protein skimmer beneath. Also, the ventilation holes in the canopy were covered with oak vent covers and look really nice.

Approx. 30 gallon 3/8" acrylic sump w/cover and Panworld pump.

Test kits
Timers for lights
Power strips w/individual power switches (VERY handy!)
