180 Gallon Reef Build ---- Sort Of


New member
Hi everyone, Iam kind of new to reefing. This is not really a build thread since my tank has bee up and running for 6 months, but I will make it like a build thread. So please play along. Thanks.
Just a little background of myself (boring) I have been dealing with freshwater fish for at least 22 years. I have kept and bred African Cichlids for the last 8 years. So now I thought it was time to break into saltwater.

I have heard everything scary about saltwater and how hard it is and you will never be able to do it. So me being me had to prove them wrong. So here is where the story begins.

I had a 180 gallon tank just waiting to be made into a nice reef tank.

I will least my equipment when I first started and as my thread progresses I will let you know what equipment has changed..Just play along.

180 gallon tank
overflow box
30 gallon homemade sump
asm g4 protein skimmer
4 koralia 4
wavemaker pro
200 lbs.of live rock
140 lbs live sand
reef crystals salts
8 bulb aquatic life t-5
dosing with esv bionic 2-part for alk/cal

Well here is a FTS


Left Side


Right Side

Well after reading on Reef Central and visiting other members tank I decided I needed to upgrade some of my equipment. I have gotten rid of the Koralias and wavemaker and replaced them with 2 MP40W ES pumps. I purchased a GEO 818 calcium reactor and all associated CO2 equipment used but in brand new condition. I now have an Apex Controller to take care of the Calcium reactor and other little tasks.

Well I will jump ahead six months and show you current pics. Please let me know what you think




Awesome tank. I like the variety of corals. Have you thought about trying some sps in there considering all the changes you done by buying 2 very nice pumps, cal reactor, and controller?

I'm in the process of setting up a 180 and I'm going for basically the same look as you. Mixed reefs are my favorite by far.. :thumbsup:
Can you please elaborate on your overflow box? What is the dimension, how many holes did you drill and is it a bean or herbie overflow? The reason I'm wondering is because I'm going to be drilling my tank shortly and like the low profile of this one. Does the fish poop/left over food get swept up into the overflow box? I was thinking about putting it in the middle, but would probably regret it because it would be much more noticeable rather than placing it in the corner.

Thanks a bunch,,
Man are those orange palys gorgeous. Do you happen to know what they're call? I saw them in the second photo to the right of the blue maxima.


Actually there are a few SPS in there. I have a few Monti Caps and a green staghorn.
As for the Overflow it is an ESOPPS
PF-1200 10" x 3" x 10" H Up to 300 gallons Dual 1,000 gph
I do not know the exact name of those Palys, but thank you for your kind words.
thanks for the reply. Is this a siphon overflow box or did you drill the holes? It looks smaller than 10x3x10, I take it is 10" high from what you're saying? In the photo the height of it looks smaller..not sure lol

Do you have any gfo/carbon reactors hooked up and do you have a fuge going?

I'm still going back and forth with waterchanges. I was thinking of doing 10-15% every 2 wks. Currently I'm changing water every 3 wks.
its a siphon overflow box, and yes I run a BRS Dual GFO/Carbon reactor. I have a sumpwith some live rock and Chaeto which is growing like crazy
its a siphon overflow box, and yes I run a BRS Dual GFO/Carbon reactor. I have a sumpwith some live rock and Chaeto which is growing like crazy

Nice job. Looks like whatever you're doing is working. Do you happen to have any pics of your equipment/sump? If not that's fine.