The original thread has been lost in the forum. So I thought I would start a new thread. First off I will introduce myself I'm Bryan Friend I live in Oregon and I have been in reef tanks since I was 15. I'm 22 as of May 20th so I have been into the hobby for a little bit. My First reef was a 20 Gallon that did ok, Then I moved up to a larger tank and I purchased a 50 gallon acrylic tank that I had for about 1 year. Both of these tanks gave me a very quick learning curve into the hobby they both ended with issues but that what learning is about. But I have stuck it out and had some very nice tanks. My last tank that I tore down about 8 months ago was a 75 gallon acrylic tank that did great but I wanted a larger tank. So I found a 180 Gallon Euro Braced tank from Aqaurium Obsessed in Canada, Which I bought from Waves Marine in Tualatin Or. I have been setting it up over the last 4 months and finally got water and rock in it a month ago. I have maybe 100lbs of Base rock that I seeded with 26 lbs of Live rock and I also seeded the tank with some live sand from Wavesreef.com. Also I am using Probido.
Tank BIO
180 Gallon Tank 60"/35"/25"
Starphire Glass On 3 Sides
Drilled for a Closed loop that Enters on Both Ends of the tank
Closed Loop
2 Sequence Darts that run at 100% One goes into the left of the tank and the other opposite to the other on the right side.
The Return in my 3rd Sequence Dart that runs pretty much everything Skimmer/Chiller/Cal Reactor/Phos Reactor/Carbon Reactor/ And soon my Lagoon Frag mangrove tank. Then Returns into the tank Via a Wavy Sea in the center of the tank.
Under the display there is a 40 gallon sump with a built in 18 gallon refugium. Lighting is still undecided. Also Running a Modded Octopus Skimmer that is working pretty well. I still have not done the mesh wheel mod just bored out the venturi.
Right now I have one 400Watt Radium 20K Running over the tank
I will be running 2 lumenmax Reflectors from sunlight supply with there new E Ballast's . And 4 T5s from a Work Horse 7 Ballast.
Possibly I might run another 4 24" t5s for the ends of the tank and so I can get the Sun rise to sunset effect from changing the lighting sequnce. For my Moon light I run a 36" Blue Neon Tube from interior car lighting since I work at a large performance shop in Oregon it was laying around and looks very good and gives off just enough of the Black light UV.
Tank BIO
180 Gallon Tank 60"/35"/25"
Starphire Glass On 3 Sides
Drilled for a Closed loop that Enters on Both Ends of the tank
Closed Loop
2 Sequence Darts that run at 100% One goes into the left of the tank and the other opposite to the other on the right side.
The Return in my 3rd Sequence Dart that runs pretty much everything Skimmer/Chiller/Cal Reactor/Phos Reactor/Carbon Reactor/ And soon my Lagoon Frag mangrove tank. Then Returns into the tank Via a Wavy Sea in the center of the tank.
Under the display there is a 40 gallon sump with a built in 18 gallon refugium. Lighting is still undecided. Also Running a Modded Octopus Skimmer that is working pretty well. I still have not done the mesh wheel mod just bored out the venturi.
Right now I have one 400Watt Radium 20K Running over the tank
I will be running 2 lumenmax Reflectors from sunlight supply with there new E Ballast's . And 4 T5s from a Work Horse 7 Ballast.
Possibly I might run another 4 24" t5s for the ends of the tank and so I can get the Sun rise to sunset effect from changing the lighting sequnce. For my Moon light I run a 36" Blue Neon Tube from interior car lighting since I work at a large performance shop in Oregon it was laying around and looks very good and gives off just enough of the Black light UV.