Gonna Need A Bigger Tank
Well the time has come (after six fun-filled years) to get out of reefkeeping. Due to recent and upcoming life changes (graduate school, second child in college, traveling, etc.), I have decided to sell my system. Here's the lowdown:
1. This post/thread is ONLY for the entire system. It is extremely discounted to move quickly. If no one bites, I will re-post items separately and go from there. So please don't respond with items you want dibs on right now...that may come later.
2. Please PM with any specific questions. In addition to what's listed, if a person buys the entire system, he/she will get all the odds/ends that I have as well (chemicals, test kits, etc.).
3. The system has been up and running for 2 years in its current state. Many items are newer than 2 years old however (Tek lights, UV bulb, APEX, Heaters)
The 180 Gallon System
"¢180 Gallon Glass Cages Tank (72x24x24) - dual overflows...includes all plumbing
"¢Custom stand and canopy (w/ split lid in canopy)
"¢2 Tek Light Elite fixtures (36" 6-lamps) T5 "“ purchased in December
"¢APEX Aquacontroller (w/ temp/ph probes) - not pictured below
"¢I-Tech 200 Skimmer (w/ Tunze Hydrofoamer pumps)
"¢100 Gallon Rubbermaid Sump
"¢40w UV Sterilizer w/ brand new bulb (Current)
"¢Reeflo DART return pump - not pictured below
"¢1/3 HP Aqualogic Drop-In Coil chiller
"¢BRS Fluidized Reactor for carbon/GFO
"¢Barracuda 100 GPD RO/DI unit
"¢3 800w titanium heaters w/ controllers
"¢40 gallon acrylic fuge (48x13x16)
"¢2 Brute cans (RO storage / salt mixing) both with pumps and stand
"¢Tunze Osmolator Universal (top-off system)-not pictured below
Livestock - If necessary, I will post pics of these later...
"¢Zebra Tang
"¢Purple Tang
"¢Naso/Lipstick Tang
"¢Powder Blue Tang
"¢Hoeven's Wrasse
"¢Maroon Clown pair (w/ blue-tip anemone)
"¢Six-line wrasse
"¢Orange-spot goby
"¢Black widow goby
"¢Large Green Carpet Anemone (9-12")
Approx. 200-300 lbs of rock "“ different sizes (some aiptasia)
Not much to speak of: some zoas, a couple of small hammers, some frogspawn...as a caveat emptor, I'm pretty sure I have flatworms in the tank
The Price: $2000.00 - VERY FIRM - Not interested in negotiating on the full system as I believe this is an extremely good deal. If no one wants/can afford the system, then I'll simply break it up (for hopefully more $$$ )
1. This post/thread is ONLY for the entire system. It is extremely discounted to move quickly. If no one bites, I will re-post items separately and go from there. So please don't respond with items you want dibs on right now...that may come later.
2. Please PM with any specific questions. In addition to what's listed, if a person buys the entire system, he/she will get all the odds/ends that I have as well (chemicals, test kits, etc.).
3. The system has been up and running for 2 years in its current state. Many items are newer than 2 years old however (Tek lights, UV bulb, APEX, Heaters)
The 180 Gallon System
"¢180 Gallon Glass Cages Tank (72x24x24) - dual overflows...includes all plumbing
"¢Custom stand and canopy (w/ split lid in canopy)
"¢2 Tek Light Elite fixtures (36" 6-lamps) T5 "“ purchased in December
"¢APEX Aquacontroller (w/ temp/ph probes) - not pictured below
"¢I-Tech 200 Skimmer (w/ Tunze Hydrofoamer pumps)
"¢100 Gallon Rubbermaid Sump
"¢40w UV Sterilizer w/ brand new bulb (Current)
"¢Reeflo DART return pump - not pictured below
"¢1/3 HP Aqualogic Drop-In Coil chiller
"¢BRS Fluidized Reactor for carbon/GFO
"¢Barracuda 100 GPD RO/DI unit
"¢3 800w titanium heaters w/ controllers
"¢40 gallon acrylic fuge (48x13x16)
"¢2 Brute cans (RO storage / salt mixing) both with pumps and stand
"¢Tunze Osmolator Universal (top-off system)-not pictured below
Livestock - If necessary, I will post pics of these later...
"¢Zebra Tang
"¢Purple Tang
"¢Naso/Lipstick Tang
"¢Powder Blue Tang
"¢Hoeven's Wrasse
"¢Maroon Clown pair (w/ blue-tip anemone)
"¢Six-line wrasse
"¢Orange-spot goby
"¢Black widow goby
"¢Large Green Carpet Anemone (9-12")
Approx. 200-300 lbs of rock "“ different sizes (some aiptasia)
Not much to speak of: some zoas, a couple of small hammers, some frogspawn...as a caveat emptor, I'm pretty sure I have flatworms in the tank
The Price: $2000.00 - VERY FIRM - Not interested in negotiating on the full system as I believe this is an extremely good deal. If no one wants/can afford the system, then I'll simply break it up (for hopefully more $$$ )