180 Gallon Tank Build


New member
Starting to plan about a 180g in wall tank and want to keep acroporas. Tank will be 72 x 24 x 24.

What flow do you recommend and how do you recommend piping the returns into the tank?

Trying to plan for my piping and realize that I need to decide on my return pump to move forward on some of the design.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I have an Varios-8 on my 180. It's way more than needed for just a return. In fact I have a T that feeds a 1" line to a large refugium from the 1 1/4" main return line and still have it at only 85%. A Varios-6 like the pump I had before the -8 would be perfect for you. I suggest you also plan a good drain system that includes at least one emergency drain line.

In tank flow you will need at least 50xs display volume for proper flow. Understand that wave makers do not run at 100% all day, the flow varies if you do it right. To achieve 50x flow I suggest a peak gph of at least 70x. I have an MP60, 2 each Tunze 6105s, and a WAV for a combined peak flow rating of 102x display volume. I have all the pumps programmed via the APEX to create varied and random flow patterns with pumps alternating, pulsing, ramping up/down and/or pausing for rest periods. This creates what I find for me the right amount of flow with no hot spots or dead zones. More or less, if I say so myself, it's perfect.

Plumbing the return/s with a minimum of 1 1/4" PVC, 1.5"PVC from the pump is better, then use adapters to step it down at the point needed. That reduces head pressure loss.

I have 1.5" drain PVC, it's only one drain so you could get away with 1.25" or 1" if you have multiple drains.

Would help us help you if you provided more details on the display build and the filtration type you want.

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As said min 50x turn over in tank per hour. I suggest more like 80x. Look into Vortex and Gyre powerheads. For sump turn over my rule of thumb is tank volume X10, so 1800gph pump for a 180g tank. If you have a high head demand like for a remote sump of coarse you would want to increase pump size to get close to 1500-2000gph . If you have a smaller sump of very low head pressure a smaller pump would be better. Also you dont want sump flow to be way lower or way higher than you skimmer flow or the skimmer work perform as well. Best thing to do is get a larger pump than you need and throttle it back some if needed or get a DC controllable pump and tune it your needs. I try to match my return pump to my needs as closely as possible so I dont have to resteict with a ball valve if uses a fixed flow AC pump like Ehiem, Mag Drive, Rio, Dart ect.
1000 GPH on a return is fine. I just use over-the-top type of deal with flex hose, usually 3/4 inch to keep head down. I like to use Lagunas or Fluval pumps for decades of performance.

Lots of options for in the tank. Random is better than static. Gyres move a lot of water, but will have dead spots and stuff and still need random flow pumps. I like Tunze stuff - buy it for a decade, or more. I do have a few AquaMedic EcoDrift pumps that have been good for about three years - so no idea if they are reliable yet since they have not been running long enough to say.

I just like huge, gravity drains. A pair of 1.5" would be good.
Thanks for the flow rates. Are you splitting the return flow into two lines in the corners or is it preferred to use a four way return with valves to create random flow? Prior tank was LPS and soft corals so placement and flow were easier, Drain will be ghost system with Beanimal overflow. Looking for a near silent tank this time around.
Random flow with a return is very hard and kinda fools gold - to be effective, it has to be so strong that you are running way too much water through your sump. Look for random flow with your in-tank pumps.