180 gallon weight

Well my 210 AGA is just about 400lbs so i would say a 180 would be just about that maybe 375lbs...

Hope that helps :)
Aqueon (AGA) is 282 lbs. and Perfecto's is 348 lbs. As you see there is a variation between brands, so suggest you contact tank manufacturer for others.
i just upgraded to a 180 and me and my wife could not pick it up by ourselves. i had to call my friend over to help me lift it the tank is a AGA 180.
Also, when estimating how many friends to get, remember that beside lifting it, you will be moving a very heavy, large, and fragile item out of vehicle, through doors, maybe even navigate stairs and corners. Plan your move well, 6 healthy guys (or 4 strong experienced movers) should make it a nice and easy operation.
My oceanic 180 weighs 366lbs. my friend and I were able to move it with the help of a dolly. We put one end on the dolly and took turns wheelbarrowing it to where we wanted it strongman competition style. Then offloaded, deadlifted, and placed it on the stand.
When we got our 180 a while back we need 4 people to move it and lift it on the stand, if that helps at all.
my acrylic 180g weighs a little over a 100lb, I'd guess. My girlfriend easily helped me move it.