180 plumbing problem w/ micro bubbles

Hi all,
Just got the 180 up and running. I'm using a Dart Sequence return. I have a durso standpipe for my drain. It's 1.25" per the recommendation of the durso website(www.dursostandpipes.com)

After the the buildhead I go back up to 1.25" tubing with the same size ball valve. For my return I'm using 1 " pipe up to my 3/4" locline tubes.

I'm getting crazy bubbles into the sump. I assume it's from my drain as they are sucking down a LOT of air into the sump. However, I'm not convinced it's not the pump either. I turn the ball valves down to slow the flow but then my pump sucks it up to fast into the tank. I don't want to cut any more flow on the pump by turning that ball valve down to match it because then the pump is pretty much useless.

Should I be using 1" PVC with 1" ball valves after my bulkhead to drain into the tank? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have the size tank with a dart on a 75 gallon sump. I ended up putting 100 micron socks over the inlets to the sump to quell the bubbles. Have 2 sets and change them out weekly. The baffle arrangement takes care of the rest. I'm running mine WFO. The only problem is that with that much flow, I have to be wary with the pump compartment of the sump and make sure it doesn't get too low or I get bubbles from that end............
I really didn't want to run micron socks as I'm too lazy to clean them out but if worse comes to worse i might have to. Where do you find those?

Does anyone know if smaller piping after the bulkhead actually makes a difference? I'm not sure how the physics behind it works.