180 Tank set up, feedback requested


New member
I am finalizing the design for my new 180 reef ready oceanic tank and need some feedback and help on selecting a return pump. I have been trying to get as many opinions as I can. The filtration forum has been great, now I ma trying to run my design by reefers with large tanks. This is my first tank with a sump, so please; any input would be helpful. Here is an overview of sump I am having built for my tank:


The sump is 36 inches long, by 20 inches wide, by 20 inches tall. Baffles #1,3,4, and 6 are 10.5 inches tall. Baffles #2 and 5 are 13 inches tall, and 1 inch off the base of the sump, making them stand 14 inches high. I intend to run the water level between 11 and 14 inches. I will have an ETSS 800 powered by a Blueline 55HD on the drain side of the tank. The pump is capable of 1100 GPH (but will have the skimmer throttled way down). My main concern is choosing the correct return pump. I have a Blueline 30HD rated for 590 GPH @ 0 feet. I was considering upgrading to a Blueline 40HD rated for 790 GPH @ 0 feet. This pump will have to power two mega overflows each rated for 600GPH (1200 GPH total). The plumbing will be “T” so the pump can power both overflows. I would like low noise and minimal air bubbles in the water. My main concern with the Blueline 40HD would it might be too noisy and release too many air bubbles, but having never had a tank with overflows, it is hard for me to say. Also, I was wondering would the flow rate have any affect on the nitrate levels? Would a faster pump filter the water quickly and more effectively, or would the slower pump allow more contact time in the refuge and also allow the skimmer to work more effectively, thus lowering nitrates? It should also be noted that the pump will be at ground level, and the top of the overflows will be at approximately 5 feet. The overflows are placed on the back walls of the tank. Also for additional filtration I will be running 4 - 6000 Tunze Stream powerheads, each one pumping out 1850 GPH (total 7,400 GPH). Any feedback on which pump would be a better choice for my tank and sump designs and also pro’s and con’s for both pumps would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I cannot really comment on the pumps but I can suggest an alternate sump design.

If you switch the refugium and return chambers you can seperately control the flow rates through the skimmer and refugium sections. It is probable that your pumps will flow faster than the optimum rate through the refugium - although I am sure that many peoeple will have difefrent opinions on the optimum rates through the refug and sump.

I currently split my drain lines to skimmer section (75%) which then flows to the return and the refug (25) which also flows to the return.

My new 225g will flow mainly directly to the skimmer and I will send some of the skimmer discahrge to the refug. I think.....maybe.....