180 Tunze Setup?


Premium Member

Soon I will have my 180 setup and I would like to run the turbelle streams for (in tank) current. The tank will measure 66x24x26 so what would be an ideal setup?

I wanted to run these with the 'reefkeeper' from digital aquatics and set them to turn on and off every few minutes for a more random flow. Can the turbelle stream's be run this way?

I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks!

The wavemaker will void the warranty of the pumps. The electronic pumps 6000 and 6100 are designed to be controlled by our controllers which interface with the computer and control the speed of the pumps as well as off and on cycles. Other controllers will damage the pumps. The 6060 and 6080 cannoty be turned off and on more than once an hour. Prop pumps can only work spinning in one direction, a traditional powerhead can work regardless of rotation direction of the impeller. The clutch mechanism that only lets it spin one way is destroyed by frequent off and on. If you still want to use them knowing your controller will not be an acceptible choice let me know what coorals you will have and I will try to design a set up for you.
Ok, that is good stuff to know.

So assuming that I used the tunze microcontroller, what setup would be great for me?
As far as coral's go, I will have a variety of everything. I'm designing this tank to be as versatile as possible.
Two 6000's then are likely the way to go given the limited reach though they need to be in the far back corners and aimed toward front center. If the overflows are in the way, I would position them in front of the overflows.