190g flow


New member
im setting up a 190, 60x30x24. its going to have two rock formations being very open and using only about 100lbs live rock. 1 island is going to be sps the other lps, softies. the return pump is an eheim 1260, i cant afford tunze of i would do 2 6100s. but i am looking at the maxi mods. should i use about 6? will that be enough in your opinion?
in my opinion i would think 6 maximods would be a whole lot of current.i dont think you would be able to keep a sand bed in place with that much current.i have 2 1200's modded in my 180 and they put a good bit of current.good luck with the build
in my opinion i would think 6 maximods would be a whole lot of current.i dont think you would be able to keep a sand bed in place with that much current.i have 2 1200's modded in my 180 and they put a good bit of current.good luck with the build
in my opinion i would think 6 maximods would be a whole lot of current.i dont think you would be able to keep a sand bed in place with that much current.i have 2 1200's modded in my 180 and they put a good bit of current.good luck with the build