1977logans Shallow Reef Rebuild!


New member
Alright folks this is going to be the documentation of my shallow reef rebuild! I suffered a total tank loss while on vacation, GFI circuit tripped and the fish sitter (my Grandmother) did not know there was anything wrong. After taking a couple month break my reef is started again and I couldn't be more excited. I have decided to move more into the SPS this time and look forward to a new challenge. My current setup is.

  • [*]Glass Cages 36"L x 18"W x 12 Tall tank all Starphire glass
    [*]Trigger Systems Ruby 30 Sump
    [*]Reef Octopus 110 Skimmer
    [*]Maxspect Razor Light
    [*]Tunze Auto Top Off
    [*]Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper
    [*]Vortech MP10
    [*]Reef Dynamics Biopellet Reactor

Fish list currently.

  • [*]Pair of Platinum Clownfish
    [*]Six Line Wrasse
    [*]Fire Fish

Coral list currently.

  • [*]Assorted zoa frags
    [*]Two chalice frags(miami hurricane/?)
    [*]Tri-color anemone
    [*]Unknown cyphastrea
    [*]Scroll coral
    [*]Unknown Acro

My YouTube Channel!

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