Hello everyone - This is my first post here on Reef Central. I'm currently in the process of setting up a 34 gallon column aquarium and right now I'm still in the research phase of things.
Today I see that a lot of things have changed when it comes to saltwater aquariums and for the past few weeks I have been diligently looking for advice on how to successfully set up another aquarium with my main goal being to keep things SIMPLE, COST EFFECTIVE and most importantly EASY TO MAINTAIN.
The only things I want to keep in the aquarium are:
- 2 Ocellaris Clownfish
- 1 or 2 Bubble Tip Anemones
- Some small hermit crabs and snails to help control algae (clean up crew pack)
This is what I've decided that I'd like to use for the initial set up:
34 Column (I'm firm on the tank size. It's the biggest tank I can have in the space I have allotted):
- AquaC Remora HOB Protein Skimmer (I'm leaning towards the S version)
- 50 lbs. live sand
- 50 lbs. of Reef Cleaners base rock (to which I plan to seed with a few pieces of live rock or Cycle brand live bacteria. Possibly both?)
- 150 watt Marineland submersible heater
- Hydor Koralia 850 power head
- BRS RODI unit for water supply with IO Reef Crystals for the salt
- LED lighting
A couple of questions that I still haven't found answers to:
How does one get purple coralline algae to grow without adding live rock? I don't really want to buy live rock from from the LFS because it is covered in hair algae and other things that I don't want in my tank. Is there an alternative out there? Coralline algae that comes in a bottle that I can seed my aquarium with?
Is there a good brand of LED lights to consider? I see so many different brands and reviews out there that I honestly have no clue on what to buy that will keep the anemones healthy?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Today I see that a lot of things have changed when it comes to saltwater aquariums and for the past few weeks I have been diligently looking for advice on how to successfully set up another aquarium with my main goal being to keep things SIMPLE, COST EFFECTIVE and most importantly EASY TO MAINTAIN.
The only things I want to keep in the aquarium are:
- 2 Ocellaris Clownfish
- 1 or 2 Bubble Tip Anemones
- Some small hermit crabs and snails to help control algae (clean up crew pack)
This is what I've decided that I'd like to use for the initial set up:
34 Column (I'm firm on the tank size. It's the biggest tank I can have in the space I have allotted):
- AquaC Remora HOB Protein Skimmer (I'm leaning towards the S version)
- 50 lbs. live sand
- 50 lbs. of Reef Cleaners base rock (to which I plan to seed with a few pieces of live rock or Cycle brand live bacteria. Possibly both?)
- 150 watt Marineland submersible heater
- Hydor Koralia 850 power head
- BRS RODI unit for water supply with IO Reef Crystals for the salt
- LED lighting
A couple of questions that I still haven't found answers to:
How does one get purple coralline algae to grow without adding live rock? I don't really want to buy live rock from from the LFS because it is covered in hair algae and other things that I don't want in my tank. Is there an alternative out there? Coralline algae that comes in a bottle that I can seed my aquarium with?
Is there a good brand of LED lights to consider? I see so many different brands and reviews out there that I honestly have no clue on what to buy that will keep the anemones healthy?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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