2 500g or 1 1000g


New member
ive been planning a large tank for well over a year now and had decided on going with a 9'x6'x30" tank. but because of the size it would have to be built on site. the tank is already insanely expensive for a tank and they want another $2,000 to assemble it on site. this kinda puts me in a spot because i dont want to spend that much on assembly because of all the other things i could spend that money on.
one day when i was deap in thought about the matter my gf asked "why not just get 2-500g tanks instead?" i kinda dismissed it at the time but im starting to see advantages to it.
the pros of going with 2 500g tanks are:
it would be movable by hand and wouldnt require the onsite construction. i could also have one reef tank and one fish only tank to house fish i wouldnt be able to house in the reef.
also alittle less lighting required because the FO would only need to be lite with vho's or pc's instead of mh's.
but the HUGE drawback is, this isnt my dream tank. this isnt the monster ive been drooling over for the last year and a half.
i just cant figure it out. i just wanted some others opinions on what you would do in this kinda situation. TIA
Re: 2 500g or 1 1000g

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7458558#post7458558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xdusty6920
but the HUGE drawback is, this isnt my dream tank. this isnt the monster ive been drooling over for the last year and a half.

ThereÃ"šÃ‚´s your answer
Having a 100og tank built on site is nice even though it is expensive. However, you should also realize that by the same token the tank will have to be trashed should you have to move. It always goes out the same way it went in: in pieces!!

I also think Joao gave you a pretty good answer to it. It is only money!!
i dont really know what to say. joao does make a good point.
im by no means rich at all and $2k is alot of money.
and i hope my eyes decieve me, did you just say "its only money"? lol, i could never have that perspective on something i work so hard for lol.
Having a 450, 96x30x36. My next dream tank would be something like your 1000. Just hope you plan on staying put for awhile. The 500 would be at least somewhat moveable.. decisions ..decisions.
Re: Re: 2 500g or 1 1000g

Re: Re: 2 500g or 1 1000g

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7458754#post7458754 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Joao Monteiro
ThereÃ"šÃ‚´s your answer

I second that!!! ;)

One question comes to mind, why go with such a wide tank??

we're building a new house this year and i want to bascially
build the house around my 'dream tank'. which is an 808 gal.

I've got one quote so far. what do you'll think;
i'm not sure if i want a "room divider' unit or 'in the wall' unit. The
cost between them is about 580.00. (drill holes and bulkheads is
what makes the difference.)

The high end quote is, $11,425.50. the tank is made of acrylic and
that includes a price of $1097.00 for delivery.

Do you'll think this is too much??
__shells if you dont mind acrylic you can get a Tenecor 10x3x3 for $5000 and get another for me and still save $1400. What do ya think. :))
yes that is an expensive tank. however acrylic is alot more expensive then glass.
there are two reasons i want the tank that wide. the tank will be a peninsula style setup. the one side exposed will have a horseshoe style rock structure that will require as much space as possible. any smaller and i feel it would loose the look im going for.
the second reason is you have to do everything in 2ft increments. for every two foot of width you need an mh, you can get away with every 3 foot if you use luminarcs. i guess i could make it 5 ft. but it only makes sense to me to use my lights to thier full capability if that makes sense.
and i guess theres kinda a third reason. i just want to avoid the typical rectangular shape you see. this brings it closer to a cube but without that funny completely square look. i dont know, its a happy medium for me i guess lol.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7460280#post7460280 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xdusty6920
yes that is an expensive tank. however acrylic is alot more expensive then glass.
there are two reasons i want the tank that wide. the tank will be a peninsula style setup. the one side exposed will have a horseshoe style rock structure that will require as much space as possible.

That's cool you want to build a Rock formation in the same shape as the home of the Buckeyes, what a fan!! :lol: :lol:

What would be cool is to do the 2 500 Gl's and drill the ends and connect them with a clear tube so the fish could go from one to the other. Just a thought.
NO! not shaped like the buckeyes stadium! shaped like a horse shoe! lol
ive thought of doing something similiar to what your describing but i decided against it. i figured if i did go with the 2 seperate tanks, the best perk would be i could house non reef fish. it was a cool idea though and a light bulb went off for me.......but then it just flickered out lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7461338#post7461338 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xdusty6920
NO! not shaped like the buckeyes stadium! shaped like a horse shoe! lol
ive thought of doing something similiar to what your describing but i decided against it. i figured if i did go with the 2 seperate tanks, the best perk would be i could house non reef fish. it was a cool idea though and a light bulb went off for me.......but then it just flickered out lol

Couldn't resist on the Buckeye Stadium with your Avtar and all.

I know what you mean on the non friendly reef fish, I plan on doing the same with the 125 when I convert over to my little 240.
that'll be sweet caveman. i guess shawn (asnatlas) has the same idea. however it seems he was being harassed some in the cora forum and is now listed as "moved on". not sure whats up with that.
He put the "Moved On" in there. You can still PM him, and from what I've seen in the past you can't PM some one that has trully been moved on.
I'm curious, what is the largest tank you can have made that wouldnt require onsite construction?

Are you set on having that type of tank design? If not, reconsider your design to what works with you getting the largest tank without onsite construction.
Go for the two tanks, you can buy some nice corals with those $2K
Make one S.P.S. and the other softies, you can put the two tanks together, lay the rock on each side as if the rock continued from one tank to another and use some decorative stuff to cover the seam of the two tanks, like a decorative column or something of that nature(take a look at the last pic of the first page in my gallery as a example, imagine another tank on the other side of the column ) when you look it, it will look as on big tank.
You still get a better selection in fish
Bigger opportunities to have more varieties of corals.
You donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t get chemical wars between hard and soft corals.
use the water changes from the S.P.S. for the softies.
If something goes wrong you with on one tank you will still have the other.
If there is a need to treat it , it will be easier to treat half the amount of water
There are a few advantages in going with two tanks. ;)
Go for the big one. You will always be filled with wants and what ifs... You won't be able to live with it.

THe caviot is if you can truly afford it.
I would build a large one with plywood and save a lot of money and be able to do any size and shape that is what I am doing.
What is the limiting dimention? How big could you get in one piece? I am assuming bigger than 500, but less than 1000.
thanks for all the great input and responses guys. im really up in the air with both of them.
i dont really know my restrictions on dimensions. im sure everyones wondering "why?"
well im in the process of talking to realtors etc to buy a new home. i havent picked out a house and still have alot of looking to do before then. my requirements for the house are "i want a full basement and the rest is all up to you honey"lol.
id love to get a house with a walk in basement but that wont but chances are slim on that because its not a very common feature.
however, i have the funds saved up for this project set aside and will continue to save until it all sets in motion.
i know someone is gonna say to themself "why not turn the tank on its side and take it down the stairs like that?"
yes it would fit that way because the width is 6' and any ceiling will be higher then that. BUT first i question if stairs could hold all those people and the enormous weight of the tank. secondly i dont think enough peoples hands could stay on the tank to fit it down the stairs. third, how could i round up enough people to do that because if i had to pay a moving company i know they would charge around what the onsite construction would cost in the first place.
so many factors to consider. thats why i had to get others feedback. thanks guys.