2 6055 or 2 6000?


In Memoriam
I need better flow in my tank. starting to go toward all sps. I'm looking at controllable pumps. either the tunze 6055's or the tunze 6000. I could get both for the same price, except the 6000's are bigger and need a magnet holder, but they give off a wider flow. for the tunze guys out there...what ones would you recommend? eventually i'm going to get a 7095 to control them.
Eric i've had 6025 and 6045.

Now I run the 3 6045 for added flow- the 55's are controllable. Aside from the magnet and clips being flimsy I've never experience any issues with them. U pay for what u get and with tunze products u get quality and customer service behind them.

They did fis a lot of the bugs with the new models. post in the forum and your q's will be answered.
even if i want to get rid of the softies and start doing sps?

right now in my frag tank i've got a mag 12 powering it with 2 ecomodded maxijet 600's under the eggcrate. I get good flow in there but my maint tank is nothing like that and i've got an ecomod, seio 620, koralia 1, and i'm guessing 800 gph out of my return pump. I feel like if i had an ecomod on both sides i would be happy with the flow, but want controllable pumps so I could speed them up and slow them down. Can't do that with the ecomod's and when they're on/off they chatter and it's really annoying.

I tried a vortech, but the flow was tooo wide and it was kicking up my sand on full blast. but other than the sand getting kicked up the flow looked pretty good. thats why i feel like i need more flow.
any recommendations then?
I need help!!!
i actually just pmed someone about 2 seio's with the seio controller. i don't know much about that controller though, so it's research time! thanks rogger and manny! i think i still want the 2 6055's with the 7095 controller, but thats pushing the budget!
yea for a 75. i really want the 2 6055's with the 7095 controller, but that'll be like $750ish new. I'm trying to find them used, but nobody has em for sale! I guess I'll keep looking.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
yea for a 75. i really want the 2 6055's with the 7095 controller, but that'll be like $750ish new. I'm trying to find them used, but nobody has em for sale! I guess I'll keep looking.
i'll keep my eyes open for ya.
I think it will be tons of flow- perhaps even too much if there's such a thing.

If I could I would turnover my sps tanks 300x over LOL:p
any sand? i dont think its too much flow if you dont have sand.

fwiw, i have 2 seios with the controller(died on me) but when it did work, it made the pumps louder then normal, and ive read alot of others had the same experience with it.

its not really a big deal, but my tank is EXTREMELY quiet so the noise was obvious
i've got sand in there...but with the ecomod which is ~1600 gph as long as it's pointed horizontal or a little up theres no movement of the sand. I'm thinkin about just ordering 2 6025's for now untill I can afford the 6055's. little tight on money and don't feel like spending everything i've got on the 2 pumps. lol
how about some eco mods? they are alot cheaper and from what ive heard they have really good floe i just ordered some with rogger will let you know how they run.
i've got one in the tank right now. I want something that can be turned up/down or on/off and not make noise. the ecomod goes click clack clakc every time it turns on. tanks is in my bedroom and it's exceptionally annoying to hear that!