New member
This is my fluval evo v which ive been working on for 2 months now, just showing you guys and wondering if all the algea is normal, first it started with some diatoms now theres alot of green algea growing everywhere and fast. Also when can i start adding sps.
Heres some info:
-Fluval evo V
-1 bag sand
-5 pounds dry life rock
-6 hermits
-2 ceriths
-1 lightning maroon clown
-1 blue damsel
-1 watchman goby
-1 fire shrimp
-rose bubble tip anemone
-hammer coral
-scrambled eggs zoa
-green star polyp
-palm tree polyps
All water qualities in check
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-Fluval evo V
-1 bag sand
-5 pounds dry life rock
-6 hermits
-2 ceriths
-1 lightning maroon clown
-1 blue damsel
-1 watchman goby
-1 fire shrimp
-rose bubble tip anemone
-hammer coral
-scrambled eggs zoa
-green star polyp
-palm tree polyps
All water qualities in check
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk