2 MP 10s or 1 MP 40


I have a 40 breeder with a sand bottom. Would I be better off with one MP 40 or two MP 10s? Any idea?

If it were me..id do 2 mp10s (and i had that prior) one mp40 may just be too much even at mimimum speed

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2 mp 10s. That's why I have on my 50 cube. No dead spots, works like a charm.

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No problems with sand?
I think you would have more sand blowing with 1 mp40 than with two mp10s. I have crushed coral for sand though, so I have no issues. I didn't want fine sand since I knew I was going to have SPS nand lots of flow.

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Another vote for the MP10s. I have two MP40s on a 125 and couldn't imagine running them on a 40 gallon. If you accidentally ran a MP40 at full speed, you would find your fish carpet surfing in the next room.
On a previous 75G tank I tried one MP40 and it was too much. Luckily my LFS let me exchange it for two MP10's. I think one MP40 would be way too much for a 40G tank.
Do you guys think 2 MP10s would even be overkill in the 40? I guess I could start with 1 and go from there.
Do you guys think 2 MP10s would even be overkill in the 40? I guess I could start with 1 and go from there.
I have two on my 50 and it isn't too much at all for SPS with crushed coral. But another option could be 1gyre.

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Do you guys think 2 MP10s would even be overkill in the 40? I guess I could start with 1 and go from there.

I suspect that you will keep them turned down to less than 100% to keep the sand from blowing, but I like the way two pumps interact and create more random flow than a single pump. That said, in a 40G tank I suspect you could definitely get away with one and the programs do still allow for decent random flow.

Keep in mind that if you want the pumps to communicate with each other, so they switch modes at the same time and such or if you want them to connect to a reeflink or apex then you will need to get the wireless version of the pumps. I believe that the MP40 is only available in the wireless version, but the MP10 is available with and without wireless, so make sure you know which one you are getting. You can purchase and add a wireless chip to a non wireless MP10, however.
I do have an apex so the wireless would be the way to go. I will be creating a mixed reef so maybe just one so I don’t blow any softies over. As far as softies go I have a torch already from my old tank, and want to add an elegance at least. All of my other corals are SPS.
I do have an apex so the wireless would be the way to go. I will be creating a mixed reef so maybe just one so I don't blow any softies over. As far as softies go I have a torch already from my old tank, and want to add an elegance at least. All of my other corals are SPS.

Technically the torch and elegance are LPS rather than softies, but still too much flow could cause them to stay somewhat retracted. I don't think there's any disadvantage to starting with one MP10. If you get it and decide you want more flow you can always add another. You'll also need a WXM module for the apex to control the MP10. Unless you already have one for other pumps or lights.
Maybe a couple Tunzes. They come in a range of sizes, lots of power, not bad on the wallet, fully controllable, and can be positioned at different angles to keep the sand from being blown around.
I think the mp-10s will be ok. I would have them in alternating cycles so it would not cause any under-tow in the middle of the tank where the 2 currents will meet.