2 questions...


In Memoriam
1. does anyone have a 29gal. tank (or similar) with an awesome flow pattern? I wanna set this up right the first time and not have to redo it later.

2. how many gph can a 1" drain handle?
i was working with that...but that says that a 1" drain could only handle 590 gph which I thought a 1" could handle more...maybe i'm mistaken. any input?

also, I think I talked my parents into buying 2 tunze 6025's for the tank. that plus about 600 gph return should be enough flow!
I have a 29 gal tank with two 3/4" drains, and an OR6500 attached to a SCWD for my CL (4 outlets). I also have a mag5 as a return pump. PM me with an email if you want some high res pics. I get great random flow, and no pesky powerheads visible!
What they said.

If you look at a standard 600gph overflow box kit it has a single 1" drain.
A standard 1200gph overflow box kit has two 1" drains.
a 1" drain can barely handle an eheim 1260 @ 4" head. Learned the hard way ... surges up & down, too much of a risk. I will have to put a valve in and slow it down a bit.