2 Quick Macros from the FMAS tank


Premium Member
I was waiting for some of my auction goodies to acclimate and thought I'd process a couple of images from the FMAS tank taken during tonight's meeting.



I shot these just as discussed at the meeting tonight, I chose these two images to demonstrate shutter speed (for the tang) and depth of field (for the coral), although I got more depth of field for the tang shot than I wanted(I would have preferred the background to be more blurred), however that can be accomplished easily in post processing using photoshop or the like. I'll demonstrate that in another thread. I opened these files into photoshop and preformed an auto levels (contrast), light unsharp masking, and a variations to lighten the mid tone and shadow ranges (remember I Expose To The Right (histogram)). Then I crop, resize from 300 DPI to 72 DPI and save for the web.

It may sound like a lot but it took less than 5 minutes and the results are rather pleasing.
I hope everyone that is interested will practice and will be glad to help any member that wants to better his/her skills.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7643533#post7643533 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by seas3to5
Great shots
Every time I try to shot fish they burr.

You have to get the shutter speed higher. Try to use your flash, that should help out the fish blur.
I was going to post this as a new thread, but figured why bother might as well just illustrate it here.

I had mentioned the Tang picture would have been nicer without the distraction of detail in the background, I have post processed in Photoshop, many other programs could do this too. I simply 'masked' my fish subject, basically by tracing an outline, I then blurred and slightly lightened the selection. I know ... I know, it sounds like a lot, but it's really not. :)


Which image do YOU like better???
Great pics... It's funny, now that we know you, we actually hear your voice in our head (added to all the other voices, right?) as we read your post. At least we get through the text faster! LOL... Great presentation, by the way. Kept my attention, a few funnies here and there, and great info.